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OMERO.webtagging overview

OMERO.webtagging - utilities to provide automation and enhancement to OMERO's tag system


This utility can be used to automate some of the most tedious and error-prone data entry to OMERO. It enables metadata encoded into an image's original filename, upload path and extension to be extracted and applied as tags.

Applying this metadata as tags provides a way of organising data within the 2-level OMERO hierarchy and allows intelligent searching in the future.



Tag Search

This tool can be used to search OMERO for Images or other objects which have certain tags applied to them. It is designed to work like navigating a filesystem. Each term added to the search refines the results, but also refines the list of tags available to be added to the search terms.
Tag Search

OMERO.webtagging was initially developed by Douglas Russell in the Davis Lab/Micron at the University of Oxford, UK. Continued development is also by Douglas Russell in HiTS at Harvard Medical School, USA.

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