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System Administration

The OME Administration Tool

ome is the tool included in the distribution package for administering and otherwise controlling your OME installation from the command-line. These pages document ome's features.

Unfortunately, none of the available tools are accessible via the web-ui or other GUI. We haven't had time (or resources) to build graphical admin interfaces. We're ever hopeful that someone will build such things for all to benefit.

During the installation process, you can have ome automatically copied to the directory of your choice (by default /usr/local/bin). ome is always additionally installed into the OME binary directory (by default /OME/bin).

OME needs to run periodic tasks to maintain optimal performance. The installer can optionally schedule these tasks as cron jobs.

ome's Philosophy

ome was written in the philosophy that a super-tool (such as CVS) is superior to a directory of small independent tools (such as Postgres's tools) that each do something different. ome encapsulates all the possible functions from administering users to importing images, to backing up data.

ome hierarchically groups its commands, much like GUI menus, based on their logical similarities. This makes it very easy to find the appropriate functionality without exhaustively reading a flat list of tools and their parameters. However, users must get used to typing commands that are space delimited list of grouping and action words. For example, to add a user you would use the command "users add":

ome admin users add

One of ome's powerful features is its self-documenting help. Try:

ome help
OME commander, version 2.7.0

ome <command> [<options>]

ome commands are:
admin Commands for administering OME users and settings
annotate Commands for mass annotation of OME objects
data Commands for managing OME data
execute Command for executing OME analysis chains
chex_stats Command for getting information about a Chain Execution
import Command for importing files to OME
top Command for displaying progress info about OME tasks
help <command> Display help information about a specific command

Global options are:
--OMEUser, --ou Specify the OME username (i.e. --ou igg)
--OMEPassword, --opw Specify the OME password (i.e. --opw abc123)
--OMESessionKey, --ok Specify the OME SessionKey (i.e. --ok ABC123HKL456)

Note that most of these commands will require you to log in as an
already-existing OME administrative user.

The self-documenting help has been used to create the OME Commander Online Documentation.

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