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OME Commander

ome admin

OME commander, version 2.7.0
  ome admin <command> [<options>]
  ome admin commands are:
  users            Commands for administering OME users
  groups           Commands for administering OME groups
  configure        Utility for modifying configuration variables
  uninstall        Command for removing your OME installation
  help <command>   Display help information about a specific command
  Note that most of these commands will require you to log in as an
  already-existing OME administrative user.

ome admin configure

   OME commander, version 2.7.0
   ome admin configure [<options>]
   This utility allows you to modify configuration variables that are critical to
   your OME installation. Exercise care when using it. It is a good practise to note
   the current configuration so you can revert to it if your changes have ill-effects.
   N.B: This doesn't move the OME db, it just changes the pointer to it.
   Options to configure the database connection:
   -d, --database
   Database name.
   -u, --user    
   User name to connect as.
   -h, --host 
   Host name of the database server.
   -p, --port 
   port number to use for connection.
   -c, --class 
   Delegate class to use for connection (default OME::Database::PostgresDelegate).
   N.B: This command only modifies the URL to your OMEIS. The OMEIS at the new url
   MUST contain exactly the same data as the OMEIS at the old URL. If you want to
   move OMEIS to another server, you must compile + install the omeis executable
   under Apache cgi-bin and copy the Files / Pixels directory structure manually.
   Changing the LSID authority is an experimental feature. Attributes that were
   issued with the previous LSID authority will not be updated when the LISD
   authority is renamed.
   Options to configure OME server URLS:
   FQDN of your OMEIS Authority
   FQDN of your LSID Authority
   N.B: This does not move, create, or verify Web-UI's HTML templates. If the
   templates structure is mutilated or doesn't exist in the directory pointed by
   this configuration variable, the Web-UI will be severely broken.
   Options to configure Web-UI's HTML templates:
   Path to HTML templates used by Web-UI
   N.B: You cannot use this tool to modify settings pursuant to your MATLAB
   installation. For example, if you installed a new version of MATLAB you must
   re-run the OME installer in order that the OME/MATLAB connector be properly compiled.
   If the user specified here is not licensed to run MATLAB then the analysis
   engine will be unable to execute OME MATLAB modules. The m-files-path is 
   recursively searched by the MATLAB connector to find .m files referenced in
   the XML MATLAB analysis module definitions.
   Options to configure MATLAB connection:
   System user that islicensed to run MATLAB.
   Path searched by MATLAB Handler for relevent .m interpreted scripts.
   N.B: The analysis engine is used every time images are imported into OME.
   Configuring the Analysis Engine for anything other than "Unthreaded" module
   execution is experimental. Configure local worker processes only if OME
   with distributed analysis engine is installed on your network. Read for more info:
   Options to configure Analysis Engine connection:
   How many local worker processes should be allowed to execute on this machine 

ome admin groups

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin groups <command> [<options>]

Available group-related commands are:
    add      Create a new OME group
    edit     Edit an existing OME group
    list     List existing OME group

ome admin groups add

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin groups add [<options>]

Creates a new OME group.  You can specify the information about the
new user on the command line, or type it in at the prompts.  There is
also a batch mode which allows you to type in several new groups with
a single execution of this command.

    -b, --batch
        Allows you to type in several group in one execution of this
        command.  If you specify this option, you cannot specify any
        of other data options.

    -n, --name <name>
        Specify the name of the new group.

    -l, --leader (<user ID> | <username>)
        Specify the leader of the group as either an integer user ID,
        or as a username.

    -c, --contact (<user ID> | <username>)
        Specify the contact of the group as either an integer user ID,
        or as a username.

ome admin groups edit

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin groups edit [<options>]

Edits an existing OME group.  You specify the group to edit with the
-i option.  You must specify the modified values for the group on the
command line; no prompting is done.  The edit is performed atomically;
if there is any database error or inconsistency in the data, none of
the other (possibly valid) changes are saved.

    -g, --group  (<group ID> | <group name>)
        Specify the group to edit by its database ID or name.  If the parameter
        is an integer, it will be assumed to be a group ID.

Edit options:
    -n, --name <name>
        Change the group's name.

    -l, --leader (<user ID> | <username>)
        Change the group's leader.  The leader is specified as either
        an integer user ID, or as a username.

    -c, --contact (<user ID> | <username>)
        Change the group's contact.  The contact is specified as
        either an integer user ID, or as a username.

    -a, --addUser (<user ID> | <username>)
        Add the specified user to the group.

    -d, --deleteUser (<user ID> | <username>)
        Delete the specified user from the group.

ome admin groups list

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin groups list [<options>]

Lists all of the groups matching the specified criteria.  For each one
that is found, displays the group ID and name, and names of the group
leader and contact person.

Filter options:
    -u, --user (<user ID> | <username>)
        Lists the groups that the given user belongs to.

    -n, --name <name>
        Lists the groups with a matching name.  You can specify a
        partial name; any groups containing the specified string will
        be returned.

    -l, --leader (<user ID> | <username>)
        List the groups with the specified leader.  The leader can be
        specified either by an integer user ID, or a username.

    -c, --contact (<user ID> | <username>)
        List the groups with the specified contact.  The contact can
        be specified either by an integer user ID, or a username.

Output options:
    -t, --tabbed
        Causes the groups to be printed with no headers, in
        tab-separated form, suitable for automatic parsing.  The
        output columns will be, in order:
            ID, Name, Leader ID, Contact ID

ome admin uninstall

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin uninstall [<options>]

This will effortlessly remove the OME installation from your system. All data 
will be destroyed.

  -a This flag signals to remove everything. 

ome admin users

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin users <command> [<options>]

Available user-related commands are:
    add      Create a new OME user
    edit     Edit an existing OME user
    list     List existing OME users
    passwd   Change an OME user's password

ome admin users add

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin users add [<options>]

Creates a new OME user.  You can specify the information about the new
user on the command line, or type it in at the prompts.
You can also simultaneously create a new group and its leader/contact.


    -u, --username <name>
        Specify the username for the new user.

    -f, --first-name <name>
        Specify the first name for the new user.

    -l, --last-name <name>
        Specify the last name for the new user.

    -e, --email <name>
        Specify the email address for the new user.

    -d, --directory <name>
        Specify the data directory for the new user.

    -p, --password <password>
        Supplies the user's password on the command line rather than
        prompting for it.  This is pretty insecure, since the
        command-line is publicly available to other processes, but we
        still provide it for convenience.

    -g, --group (<id> | <name>)
        Specify the group for the new user.  If the group doesn't exist, a new
        one can be made with the specified user as its leader/contact.

ome admin users edit

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin users edit [<options>]

Edits an existing OME user. 

If you don't want to use this utility in interactive mode, specify the user with the 
-u flag and use the edit options.

The edit is performed atomically; if there is any database error or 
inconsistency in the data, none of the other (possibly valid) changes are 

    -u, --user (<user ID> | <user name>)
        Specify the user by their username or database ID.

    -f, --first-name <name>
        Change the user's first name.

    -l, --last-name <name>
        Change the user's last name.

    -e, --email <email address>
        Change the user's email address.

    -d, --directory <path>
        Change the user's data directory.

    -g, --group (<id> | <name>)
        Change the user's main group.

ome admin users list

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin users list [<options>]

Lists all of the users matching the specified criteria.  Displays the
user ID, username, and full name for any that are found.

Filter options:
    -g, --group (<id> | <name>)
        Lists only those users who belong to the specified group.

    -p, --primary-group (<id> | <name>)
        Lists only those users who's primary group is the specified group.

    -u, --username <name>
        Lists the user which has the given username.

    -f, --first-name <name>
        Lists the users with a matching first name.  You can specify a
        partial name; any users containing the specified string will
        be returned.

    -l, --last-name <name>
        Lists the users with a matching last name.  You can specify a
        partial name; any users containing the specified string will
        be returned.

Output options:
    -t, --tabbed
        Causes the users to be printed with no headers, in tab-separated
        form, suitable for automatic parsing.  The output columns will
        be, in order:
            ID, Username, FirstName, LastName, Email

ome admin users passwd

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome admin users passwd [<options>]

Changes the password for an existing OME user.  Prompts for the new
password if it is not specific on the command line via the --pasword
option.  Note that you must specify exactly one of the -i or -u

Note that you might first be prompted to log into OME as an
administrative user.  This is *not* the user whose password you want
to change.

    -u, --user (<username> | <ID>)
        Specify the user by their username or database ID.

    -p, --password <password>
        Supplies the new password on the command line rather than
        prompting for it.  This is pretty insecure, since the
        command-line is publicly available to other processes, but we
        still provide it for convenience.

ome annotate

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome annotate <command> [<options>]

ome annotate commands are:
    wizard           Various wizards to help users define image annotations based 
                     on their directory structure.
    spreadsheet      Command for doing bulk annotations based on Excel or tsv 
                     spreadsheets (e.g. created by the OME annotation wizards) 
    help <command>   Display help information about a specific command

ome annotate spreadsheet

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome annotate spreadsheet [<options>]

This command parses Excel or tsv spreadsheets (e.g. created by the OME
annotation wizards) to create bulk annotations.

     -f, --file
     The Excel or tsv spreadsheet that will be parsed to generate annotations.
     -n, --noop
     Do not create any annotations, just report what would be created.

ome annotate wizard

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome annotate wizard <command> [<options>]

    These wizards programatically generate image annotations by interpreting
    directory structure under the guidance of the user.
ome annotate wizard commands are:
    PDI    Wizard for organising images into a projects/datasets/images heirarchy
    CGC    Wizard for organising images into a category-group/category/images
    SPW    Wizard for organising images into a screens/plates/wells/images
           heirarchy [NOT IMPLEMENTED]
    help <command>   Display help information about a specific command

ome annotate wizard CGC

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome annotate wizard CGC [<options>]

This command examines a directory structure to associate images with CategoryGroups and
and Categories. A tsv spreadsheet is written that can be parsed by OME using
e.g. the command-line tool "ome annotate spreadsheet".

All directories one level under the root directory become CategoryGroups. All
directories two levels under the root become Categories and their files the 
images. N.B: The previous rules are superseded in so far as no empty Categories or
CategoryGroups will be created. 

Suppose the file structure is:

If the root is pointed at / then the CategoryGroup-Category-Image heirarchy will be:

 \_ Day 3
    \_ ImageA
    \_ ImageB
the same heirarchy will be constructed if the -s flag is used and the root is
pointed at /Worms

 -f, --file
 The name of the tsv spreadsheet that will be written.
 -s, --short
 This signifies that the root directory name is used to form the CategoryGroup.
 -r, --root
 Path to the root directory.
 -x, --exclude
 Ignore the specified root subdirectories.

ome annotate wizard PDI

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome annotate wizard PDI [<options>]

This command examines a directory structure to associate images with datasets and
and projects. A tsv spreadsheet is written that can be parsed by OME using
e.g. the command-line tool "ome annotate spreadsheet".

All directories one level under the root directory become projects. All
directories two levels under the root become datasets and their files the 
images. N.B: The previous rules are superseded in so far as no empty projects or
datasets will be created. 

Suppose the file structure is:

If the root is pointed at / then the Project-Dataset-Image heirarchy will be:
 \_ Dataset 2
    \_ ImageA
    \_ ImageB
if the command is called with the -s parameter and the root is pointed at /Proj2
then the Dataset-Image heirarchy will be:
 Dataset 2
  \_ ImageA
  \_ ImageB
 -f, --file
 The name of the tsv spreadsheet that will be written.
 -s, --short
 This signifies that the root points to the Dataset-Image heirarchy.
 -r, --root
 Path to the root directory.
 -x, --exclude
 Ignore the specified root subdirectories.

ome data

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data [command] [options]

Available OME database related commands are:
    backup      Backup OME data to an (optionally) compressed tar archive.
    restore     Restore OME data from an (optionally) compressed tar archive.
    export      Export objects as XML files.
    delete      Delete objects in the OME DB.
    chown       Change ownership of objects and MEXes in the DB.

ome data backup

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data backup [<options>]

Backs up OMEIS's image repository and OME's postgress db to a tar archive of 
the specified name. If compression is prescribed, the archive will have a
.gz or .bz2 suffix.

The default naming convention is
where YYYY-MM-DD is the date, in ISO-8601, when the backup was performed.

-a,  --archive
Specify path to archive that will be created.

-c,  --compression
Specify compression algorithm that will be applied to archive.
"none" [default], "gzip", "bzip2"

-q, --quick 
If set, only OME's postgress db (and not OMEIS) is backed up.

-f, --force    
If set, there will be no further user confirmations.

ome data chown

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data chown [<options>] [<project <ID|name>> | <dataset <ID|name>> | <image <ID|name>> | MEXes]...

Change user and group ownership.

     -g, --group (<group ID> | <group name>)
     Specify group to change ownership to.
     Use #undefined# (with the #'s) to set it to NULL (make it public).
     -u, --user (<user ID> | <username>)
     Specify user to change ownership to
     -p, --project
        Parameters are project IDs or names
     -d, --dataset
        Parameters are dataset IDs or names
     -i, --image
        Parameters are dataset IDs or names
     -m, --MEX
        Parameters are Module Execution IDs (MEXes)

ome data delete

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data delete [command] [options]

Available OME database deletion related commands are:
    CHEX        Delete a Chain Execution and all of its dependencies.
    MEX         Delete a Module Execution and all of its dependencies.
    Image       Delete an Image and all of its dependencies.
    Dataset     Delete a dataset and all of its dependencies, optionally deleting Images.
    ST          Delete a Semantic Type and all of its descendents.

ome data delete CHEX

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data delete CHEX [<options>] [CHEX_ID]+

Delete one or more CHEXes and all of their descendents. This can potentially delete a lot.
Images, Datasets, the whole lot potentially. By default, this doesn't delete constituent MEXs
just the NEXs. It is suggested to try -n first to see what will happen.
And once its gone, its gone.  You can only get it back from a backup.
You do have a backup, right?

  -o, --orph        Keep orphaned Original Files even if they are not used by any other MEX
  -n, --noop        Do not delete anything, just report what would be deleted.
  -d, --delete      Actually delete the CHEX(es).  Nothing will happen unless -n or -d is specified.  
  -c, --chain       Delete all CHEXes for the specified chain (ID if numeric, otherwise by name).
  -m, --mexs        Delete CHEXes' constituant MEXs too.
  -f, --keep-files  Keep orphaned OMEIS Files.  
  -p, --keep-pixels Keep orphaned OMEIS Pixels.
  -g, --graph       Generate a graph of the dependencies using GraphViz, and save in specified file.

ome data delete Dataset

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data delete Dataset [<options>] [Dataset ID | Name]+

Delete one or more Datasets and all of their descendents. This can potentially delete a lot.
Images, Datasets, the whole lot potentially.
It is suggested to try -n first to see what will happen.
And once its gone, its gone.  You can only get it back from a backup.
You do have a backup, right?

  -i, --images      Delete all images (and their dependencies) in each dataset.
  -o, --orph        Keep orphaned Original Files even if they are not used by any other MEX
  -n, --noop        Do not delete anything, just report what would be deleted.
  -d, --delete      Actually delete the Datasets.  Nothing will happen unless -n or -d is specified.  
  -f, --keep-files  Keep orphaned OMEIS Files.  
  -p, --keep-pixels Keep orphaned OMEIS Pixels.
  -g, --graph       Generate a graph of the dependencies using GraphViz, and save in specified file.

ome data delete Image

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data delete Image [<options>] [Image ID | Name]+

Delete one or more Images and all of their descendents. This can potentially delete a lot.
Images, Datasets, the whole lot potentially.
It is suggested to try -n first to see what will happen.
And once its gone, its gone.  You can only get it back from a backup.
You do have a backup, right?

  -o, --orph        Keep orphaned Original Files even if they are not used by any other MEX
  -n, --noop        Do not delete anything, just report what would be deleted.
  -d, --delete      Actually delete the Images.  Nothing will happen unless -n or -d is specified.  
  -f, --keep-files  Keep orphaned OMEIS Files.  
  -p, --keep-pixels Keep orphaned OMEIS Pixels.
  -g, --graph       Generate a graph of the dependencies using GraphViz, and save in specified file.

ome data delete MEX

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data delete MEX [<options>] [MEX_ID]+

Delete one or more MEXes and all of their descendents. This can potentially delete a lot.
Images, Datasets, the whole lot potentially.
It is suggested to try -n first to see what will happen.
And once its gone, its gone.  You can only get it back from a backup.
You do have a backup, right?

  -o, --orph        Keep orphaned Original Files even if they are not used by any other MEX
  -n, --noop        Do not delete anything, just report what would be deleted.
  -d, --delete      Actually delete the MEX(es).  Nothing will happen unless -n or -d is specified.  
  -m, --module      Delete all MEXes for the specified module (ID if numeric, otherwise by name).  
  -f, --keep-files  Keep orphaned OMEIS Files.  
  -p, --keep-pixels Keep orphaned OMEIS Pixels.
  -g, --graph       Generate a graph of the dependencies using GraphViz, and save in specified file.

ome data delete ST

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data delete ST [<options>] [ST]+

Delete an ST definition.

This utility can only deal with a small subset of ST deletions. It can only
delete STs that are not referenced by other STs or Module Formal Inputs/Outputs
(therefore there can be no attributes in the DB).

  -n, --noop        Do not delete anything, just report what would be deleted.
  -d, --delete      Actually delete the STs(es).  Nothing will happen unless -n or -d is specified.  

ome data export

OME commander, version 2.7.0

Available commands:

ome data export chains

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data export chains [<options>] [<list of chains>]

This utility exports analysis chains into OME XML files.
Analysis chains can be specified by ID or by name

  -f  Specify a filename for the OME XML file.  Otherwise all output goes
      to STDOUT
  --no_compress  Do not compress the output file. (disabled by default)

ome data restore

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome data restore [<options>] archive-name

Restores OMEIS's image repository and OME's postgress db from a .tar archive of 
specified name. This utility, as applicable, decompresses the archive.

By default, it looks in the current directory for an ome_backup file of this form:
The ome_backup file with the latest YYYY-MM-DD is selected.

-a,  --archive
Specify path to existing archive.

-q, --quick 
If set, only OME's postgress db (and not OMEIS) is extracted from archive.

-f, --force    
If set, there will be no further user confirmations.

ome dev

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev <command> [<options>]

ome commands are:
    chex_stats       Command for getting information about a Chain Execution
    finish_execute   Command for clearing up a Chain Execution with errors.
    classifier       Commands that facilitate the computation of Image Signatures
    lint             Command for checking/correcting syntax of OME XML files
    templates        Command for displaying progress info about OME tasks
    help <command>   Display help information about a specific command

ome dev chex_stats

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev chex_stats [<options>]

This command displays statistics about a chain execution.

  -c | --chex <id>
     ID of Analysis chain executions
  -v | --verbose
     print more information

ome dev classifier

OME commander, version 2.7.0

Available commands:

ome dev classifier compile_sigs

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev classifier compile_sigs [<options>]

This will compile a signature matrix for a matlab Trainer. It needs a
complete signature chain (e.g. a chain generated by 'stitch_chain'), and
a dataset that has exactly one classification per image. It will execute
the signature chain if necessary. There will be one row per image in the
matrix. Each column represents another image. Each row represents one
signature, and the last row is the image class. If the image has no
classification, the class will be 0.

        Img 1  Img 2  ...
Sig 1 [     x,     x, ... ]
Sig 2 [     x,     x, ... ]
...   [   ...,   ..., ... ]
Sig n [     x,     x, ... ]
Class [     x,     x, ... ]

The original signature chain must already be imported into the database. 

  -a  Signature analysis chain name or ID.

  -d  Dataset name or ID.

  -e  Analysis Chain Execution ID. This Optional parameter takes precedence over
      the -a and -d flags. If you specify this then you don't need to specify
      -a and -d. This is especially useful if the analysis chain was executed
      multiple times against the dataset.
  -o  Output filename.
  -f, --force
    Force re-execution of chain (i.e. do not reuse previous module execution 

ome dev classifier import_test_train_dataset

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev classifier import_test_train_dataset [<options>]

Given a set of images, this function randomly chooses to import half of
the images into the specified datset.

  -d Name of Dateset to import images into
  --test or --train (one of these options need to be specified)

ome dev classifier make_predictions

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev classifier make_predictions [<options>]

  -x Classifier Training Chain Execution ID
  -a ID/name of the Image Prediction Chain corresponding to the Classifier
   Training Chain with CHEX -x
  -d ID/name of Dataset containing images that are going to be classified

ome dev classifier stitch_chain

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev classifier stitch_chain [<options>]

This will create a custom Signature Stitcher module for a signature
chain. Additionally, it will copy the chain and attach the stitcher
module to the copy. The newly created module and chain will be imported
to the database and saved to disk.

The original signature chain must already be imported into the database. 

  -a  the id or name of the signature chain to stitch

  -x  path of xml source directory
  -o  output directory
  -compress  Compress the output file. 

ome dev classifier stitch_prediction_chain


ome dev classifier stitch_training_chain

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev classifier stitch_training_chain [<options>]

This will create a custom Signature Stitcher module for a signature
chain. Additionally, it will copy the chain and attach the stitcher
module to the copy. The newly created module and chain will be imported
to the database and saved to disk.

The original signature chain must already be imported into the database. 

  -a  the id or name of the signature chain to stitch

  -x  path of xml source directory
  -o  output directory
  -compress  Compress the output file. 

ome dev finish_execute

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev finish_execute [<options>] [<flags>]

This command attempts to finish an analysis chain execution that was initiated
before, continued till completetion, but left some MEX's with ERROR or UNREADY
status. This commend re-executes these MEXs.

  -x, --chex (<id>)
     Analysis Chain Execution ID

ome dev lint

OME commander, version 2.7.0

Available commands:

ome dev lint uc

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev lint uc [<options>]

This utility will parse an OME file containing chains, check for
multiple nodes feeding a single input, correct those if found, and save
the untangled chains back to file.

  -f  Specify filename for the input file.
  -o  Specify a filename for the OME XML file.  Otherwise all output goes
      to STDOUT
  -v  Verbose. Print out a topologically sorted view of the chain nodes.
  -c  Compress the output file. 

ome dev lint untangle_chains

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev lint untangle_chains [<options>]

This utility will parse an OME file containing chains, check for
multiple nodes feeding a single input, correct those if found, and save
the untangled chains back to file.

  -f  Specify filename for the input file.
  -o  Specify a filename for the OME XML file.  Otherwise all output goes
      to STDOUT
  -v  Verbose. Print out a topologically sorted view of the chain nodes.
  -c  Compress the output file. 

ome dev templates

OME commander, version 2.7.0

Available commands:

ome dev templates update

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome dev templates update [<options>]

This utility will scan the html template directory and register each
template file in the database by creating template attributes. Files
already registered will be ignored.


-u all          Update all template directories.
-u Display/One  Update the Display/One directory
-u Display/Many Update the Display/Many directory
-u Actions/Annotator    Update the Actions/Annotator directory
-u Browse               Update the Browse directory

ome execute

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome execute [<options>] [<flags>]

This command uses the Analysis Engine to execute the analysis chain against
a dataset.

  -a, --analysis-chain (<name> | <id>)
     Analysis chain
  -d, --dataset (<name> | <id>)
     Dataset name
  -s, --skip_optional_inputs

  -i, --inputs
    specify User inputs by id and source MEX(s)
    ex. -i 551:17,21-552:114 
    means supply formal input 551 with source MEXs 17 & 21
          supply formal input 552 wiht source MEX 114
  -f, --force
    Force re-execution of chain (i.e. do not reuse previous module execution 
  -c, --caching
    Enable DBObject caching.

ome import

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome import [<options>] [<list of files>]

This utility imports files into OME database and runs the import analysis 
chain against them.

The files can be proprietary format image files or OME XML files that define 
OME objects.


  -d, --dataset (<id> | <name>) 
      Specify which dataset images should be imported into. If you don't
      own an unlocked dataset with the specified name, a new one will be
      created for you. If you are importing OME Semantic Type Definitions,
      Analysis Modules, or Chains this parameter is unnecessary. If you
      import images, but don't specify a dataset, a new dataset called
      '<time_stamp> Import Dataset' will be created for you.

  -D, --description
      Use this flag if you want to give a description to your new dataset.

  -i, --format
      Suggests the image formats. The Import Engine first checks if the images
      are of the specified format, if not it reverts to default behaviour and
      tries to discover the image formats. This speeds up import times for
      common images such as TIFFs.

      Permitted Values:

  -r, --reimport
      Reimports images which are already in the database.  This should
      only be used for testing purposes. This flag is ignored for OME
      XML files.

ome top

OME commander, version 2.7.0

    ome top 
This utility prints out detailed information about OME Tasks that are executing 
or finished execution.


  -w , --wait optional flag specifying how many seconds to wait before updating
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