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You are here: Home Community Minutes Meetings May 2009 OME European User's Meeting Paris 2009 Files
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Paris 2009 Files

Presentations and Notes

File OME Introduction (Spencer Shorte)
File Talk from Christoph Best
File Talk from Christoph Best (pdf version)
File Talk from Emma Hill
File Talk from Emma Hill (pdf version)
File Talk from Imtiaz Khan (pdf version)
File Talk from Karol Kozak
File Talk from Karol Kozak (pdf version)
File Talk from Imtiaz Khan
File Talk from Oliver Mueller
File Talk from Matthias Dunda
File Talk (not presented) by Caterina Strambio De Castillia
File User feedback document from Caterina Strambio De Castillia and Mario Valle
"A document emerging from a brainstorming session I and Mario had in light of my coming to the meeting in his absence. This document is essentially a series of comments and desiderata we have for OMERO after testing on it on both end user and developer user end for this past year." ~ Caterina
File Talk from Karsten Kottig
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