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Support Files and Presentations

A collection of the diagrams and presentations used at the meetings.

File Baltimore 2003 Images Import 1 Graffle
Original Graffle
File Baltimore 2003 Images Import 2 Graffle
Original Graffle
File Baltimore 2003 Images Import 3 Graffle
Original Graffle
File March 2005 Web UI Presentation
File March 2005 OWL Interoperability Presentation
File December 2005 Introduction Presentation
File December 2005 Graham Presentation
File April 2006 Signatures and Matlab
File April 2006 External Analysis
File April 2006 HCS With OME
Presentation by Bernd Jagla at the April 2006 Developers Meeting in Madison
File April 2006 Integration with MGI
Harry's talk at the April 2006 Developers Meeting in Madison
File April 2006 OMERO Server
Chris Allan's presentation on the OMERO server at the April 2006 Developers Meeting in Madison
File April 2006 OME Web UI
Josiah's talk on the OME Web UI at the Developers Meeting in Madison
File April 2006 Shoola
Jean-Marie Burel's presentation on the Shoola (now insight) client at the developers meeting in Madison
File April 2006 Server Timing Results
Results from server performance timing discussed at the developers meeting in Madison.
File April 2006 UCSB Bioimaging and OME
Presentation about the use of OME for Bioimaging at UCSB, presented in Madison at the developers meeting.
File April 2006 Usable Image
Presentation on Usable Access and OME from Catriona Macaulay from the developers meeting in Madison
File April 2006 OME at Vanderbilt
Talk given at the developers meeting in Madison
File April 2006 Project Management Evangelism
Notes on Project Evangelism from the Madison meeting
File April 2006 Meta Model Notes
Notes from the Madison developers meeting
File April 2006 AE Slides
Slides on the analysis engine for the Madison developers meeting
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