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« July 2024 »

Release of OMERO & Bio-Formats 5.1.2

The OME Consortium are pleased to announce the release of OMERO & Bio-Formats 5.1.2

Dear All,

Today we are releasing OMERO and Bio-Formats 5.1.2. This is a point release that contains bug-fixes, but also adds several new features to Bio-Formats and OMERO.


Bio-Formats 5.1.2 adds writing support for OME-TIFF to the native C++ implementation, allows export of OME BigTIFF, and adds a Slidebook6 reader (many thanks to Richard Myers of 3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovations (

Other improvements include:

  • improved MATLAB developer documentation
  • preliminary work to make MATLAB toolbox work with Octave
  • ImageJ fixes for getPlanePosition* macro extension methods and display of composite color virtual stacks
  • many bug fixes for formats including:
    • Nikon ND2 - improved parsing of plane position and timestamp data
    • TIFF - reduced memory required to read color lookup tables
    • Zeiss LSM - improved parsing of 16-bit color lookup tables
    • Zeiss CZI - fixed ordering of original metadata table and reading of large pre-stitched tiled images
    • AIM - fixed handling of truncated files
    • Metamorph/MetaXpress TIFF - improved UIC1 metadata tag parsing
    • Leica LIF - improved metadata handling

Full details can be found at

The software is available at: and the C++ implementation is available from:


OMERO 5.1.2 features a number of bug fixes and also introduces some new functionality.

Improvements include:

  • Read-Write group support
  • LDAP plugin can now set group owners
  • auto log-in via webstart for users already logged into OMERO.web
  • ability to attach results tables from ImageJ/Fiji to your images in OMERO
  • better delete functionality and warnings in the UI
  • magnification values now displayed as multiplication factors (e.g. 40x) rather than percentages
  • long file names more readable in OMERO.insight data tree
  • various deployment fixes
  • OMERO.web updates include:
    • image interpolation on zoom
    • optimization of plate grid and right-hand panel
    • download single original files
    • faster loading of large datasets

Critical bug fixes include:

  • in-place import file handle leak
  • various unicode and unit failures (thanks to Tristan Nowak for his help in identifying several of these bugs)

Full details are available at

The software is available at:

Upgrade information is at

Any problems or comments, please use the OME Forums or mailing lists:


The OME Team

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