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« July 2024 »

Release of Bio-Formats-C++ 5.1.5

The OME Consortium are pleased to announce the release of Bio-Formats-C++ 5.1.4 binary builds and ome-cmake-superbuild package

Dear All,

Today we have released the binary builds of Bio-Formats-C++ 5.1.5, together with the ome-cmake-superbuild package used for building Bio-Formats-C++ and its dependencies on Windows and other platforms.

See for links to the source releases, documentation and API reference, and binary builds for a number of platforms which now include Windows with VS2013.

Bio-Formats changes:

  • TIFF strip/tile row and column calculations corrected to compute the correct row and column count
  • several compiler warnings removed (false positive warnings in third-party headers disabled, and additional warnings fixed)
  • it is now possible to build with Boost 1.59 and compile with a C++ 14 compiler

CMake Super-Build changes:

  • Upgrade Boost to 1.59
  • Use tar source release; this permits building on platforms which could not unpack the source zip
  • Add recursive dependency addition; this makes the superbuild much more adaptable for the use of optional and version-specific packages, and the addition of new packages
  • Add required Python modules (genshi and sphinx) and their dependencies

CMake Super-Build components:

  • bioformats 5.1.5
  • boost 1.59
  • bzip2 1.0.6
  • icu 55.1
  • libpng 1.6.17
  • py-docutils 0.12
  • py-genshi 0.7
  • py-jinja2 2.7.3
  • py-markupsafe 0.23
  • py-pygments 2.0.2
  • py-setuptools 18.3.2
  • py-sphinx 1.2.3
  • tiff 4.0.6
  • xerces-c 3.1.2
  • zlib 1.2.8

The software release is available at:

For any problems or comments, please use the OME forums or mailing lists:

The OME Team

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