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Bio-Formats July 2008 Release

01 July 2008 - LOCI has released a new version of Bio-Formats. Support has been added for FEI, uncompressed Hamamatsu Aquacosmos NAF, Animated PNG.

LOCI has released a new version of Bio-Formats. This release contains the following changes:

  • Fixed bugs in most file format readers
  • Fixed bugs in OME and OMERO download functionality
  • Fixed bugs in OME server-side import
  • Improved metadata storage/retrieval when uploading to and downloading from the OME Perl server
  • Improved Bio-Formats ImageJ macro extensions
  • Major updates to MetadataStore API
  • Updated OME-XML generation to use 2008-02 schema by default
  • Addressed time and memory performance issues in many readers
  • Changed license from LGPL to GPL
  • Added support for the FEI file format
  • Added support for uncompressed Hamamatsu Aquacosmos NAF files
  • Added support for Animated PNG files
  • Added several new options to Bio-Formats ImageJ plugin
  • Added support for writing ICS files

You can download the latest release from the Bio-Formats website:

If you have questions, concerns or comments about the software, please feel free to contact us at

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