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BBSRC Innovator of the Year Award 2011

25 March 2011 - BBSRC announce Professor Jason Swedlow and the OME Team as Innovator of the Year 2011

BBSRC Innovator of the Year Award 2011

Jason Swedlow, Social Innovator of the Year, receives his award from Minister for Universities and Science, David Willetts. Photo © Andrew Davis, John Innes Centre

BBSRC announced Professor Jason Swedlow and the OME Team as Innovator of the Year 2011 in recognition of his work on the Open Microscopy Environment (OME) - "a revolutionary venture into open source software". Professor Swedlow received the prize and trophy from David Willetts MP, Minister for Universities and Science, who spoke at the BBSRC Bioscience for Growth business networking event in London on March 24.

Professor Swedlow said "It is a great honour to accept this award. The support we have received from BBSRC, as well as the Wellcome Trust, during the early stages of the research has been invaluable.

"Our vision has always been to create a global standard for imaging software and the community that has grown up around the open source development is extraordinary. In reality I am receiving this award on behalf of a large group of extremely talented people who share a common commitment to innovation through team work, collaboration and the process of creating something new and exciting as a community."

Professor Swedlow also won the category prize for Social Innovator of the Year.

Innovator of the Year 2011, Jason Swedlow, receives his award from Minister for Universities and Science, David Willetts. Photo © Andrew Davis, John Innes Centre

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