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Code generation with xsd-fu

xsd-fu is a Python application designed to digest OME XML schema and produce an object-oriented Java infrastructure to ease work with an XML DOM tree. It is usually run automatically when building from source (see Building from source) and so running it by hand should not be needed. xsd-fu is primarily used to generate the OME-XML model objects, enums and enum handlers, plus the MetadataStore and MetadataRetrieve interfaces and implementations.

Available options

-d, --dry-run

Run all source generation processing, but don’t write output files. In combination with --print-depends or --print-generated, this option may be used to dynamically introspect command dependencies and output to create build rules on the fly for e.g. cmake.


Enable xsd-fu debugging messages and template debugging. The code templates contain diagnostic messages to debug the template processing, which are normally suppressed in the code output; enabling debugging will add these diagnostic messages to the generated code.

-l language, --language=language

Generate code for the specified language. Currently supported options are C++ and Java.


Package or namespace for the metadata store and retrieve classes.


Package or namespace for the OME-XML metadata classes.


Package or namespace for the OME-XML model classes.


Package or namespace for the OME-XML model enum classes.


Package or namespace for the OME-XML model enum handler classes.

-o dir, --output-directory=dir

Output generated code into the specified directory. The directory will be created if it does not already exist. Note that the directory is the root of the source tree; generated classes will be placed into the appropriate module-specific locations under this root.


Print a list of the files required during template processing, including schema files, templates and custom template fragments. Particularly useful with --dry-run to introspect command dependencies.


Print a list of the files generated during template processing. Particularly useful with --dry-run to determine what a given command would generate.

-q, --quiet

Do not print names of generated files.

-t path, --template-path=path

Path to search for Genshi template files. Defaults to the language-specific template directory in components/xsd-fu.

-n, --xsd-namespace

XML schema namespace to use. Defaults to xsd:.

-v, --verbose

Print names of generated files as they are processed.

Available commands

  • doc_gen
  • metadata
  • omero_metadata
  • omero_model
  • omexml_metadata
  • omexml_metadata_all
  • omexml_model
  • omexml_model_all
  • omexml_model_enums
  • omexml_model_enum_handlers
  • omexml_model_enum_includeall
  • tab_gen

Running the code generator

Run xsd-fu script with no arguments to examine the syntax:

Error: Missing subcommand

xsd-fu: Generate classes from an OME-XML schema definition
Usage: ./components/xsd-fu/xsd-fu command [options…] -o output_dir schema_files…

  -d, --dry-run                              Do not create output files
  --debug                                    Enable xsd-fu and template debugging
  -l, --language=lang                        Generated language
  --metadata-package=pkg                     Metadata package
  --ome-xml-metadata-package=pkg             OME-XML metadata class package
  --ome-xml-model-package=pkg                OME-XML model package
  --ome-xml-model-enums-package=pkg          OME-XML model enum package
  --ome-xml-model-enum-handlers-package=pkg  OME-XML model enum handler package
  -o, --output-directory=dir                 Generated output directory
  -q, --quiet                                Do not output file names
  -t, --template-path=path                   Genshi template path
  -v, --verbose                              Output generated file names
  -n, --xsd-namespace                        XML schema namespace

Available subcommands:

Default XSD namespace: "xsd:"

Default Java OME-XML package: "ome.xml.model"
Default Java OME-XML enum package: "ome.xml.model.enums"
Default Java OME-XML enum handler package: "ome.xml.model.enums.handlers"
Default Java metadata package: "loci.formats.meta"
Default Java OME-XML metadata package: "loci.formats.ome"

Default C++ OME-XML package: "ome::xml::model"
Default C++ OME-XML enum package: "ome::xml::model::enums"
Default C++ metadata package: "ome::xml::meta"
Default C++ OME-XML metadata package: "ome::xml::meta"

  ./components/xsd-fu/xsd-fu -l Java -n 'xsd:' --ome-xml-model-package=ome.xml.model -o omexml /path/to/schemas/ome.xsd
  ./components/xsd-fu/xsd-fu -l C++ -n 'xsd:' --ome-xml-model-package=ome::xml::model -o omexml /path/to/schemas/ome.xsd

Report bugs to OME Devel <>


It should not be necessary to run it by hand for a normal Bio-Formats build. xsd-fu is run automatically as part of the main Bio-Formats build from version 5.0 when building the ome-xml and scifio components. It is still useful to run by hand when debugging, or using non-standard targets.

Generating the OME-XML Java model and metadata classes

The following sections outline how to generate parts of the OME-XML Java interfaces and implementations for the object model and metadata store, which are composed of:

  • OME model objects
  • enumerations for OME model properties
  • enumeration handlers for regular expression matching of enumeration strings
  • Metadata store and Metadata retrieve interfaces for all OME model properties
  • various implementations of Metadata store and/or Metadata retrieve interfaces

All of the above can be generated by this Ant command:

$ cd components/ome-xml
$ ant generate-source


$ ant generate-source -v

to see the command-line options used.

Working with Enumerations and Enumeration Handlers

XsdFu code generates enumeration regular expressions using a flexible configuration file.

Each enumeration has a key-value listing of regular expression to exact enumeration value matches. For example:

".*Pl.*Apo.*" = "PlanApo"
".*Pl.*Flu.*" = "PlanFluor"
"^\\s*Vio.*Corr.*" = "VioletCorrected"
".*S.*Flu.*" = "SuperFluor"
".*Neo.*flu.*" = "Neofluar"
".*Flu.*tar.*" = "Fluotar"
".*Fluo.*" = "Fluor"
".*Flua.*" = "Fluar"
"^\\s*Apo.*" = "Apo"

Generate OMERO model specification files

Run xsd-fu with the omero_model subcommand.

Special thanks

A special thanks goes out to Dave Kuhlman for his fabulous work on generateDS which xsd-fu makes heavy use of internally.