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JACE C++ bindings for the Java APIΒΆ

To make Bio-Formats accessible to software written in C++, we have created a Bio-Formats C++ interface. It uses LOCI’s jar2lib program to generate a C++ proxy class for each equivalent Bio-Formats Java class. The resulting proxies are then compiled into a library, which represents the actual interface from C++ to Bio-Formats. Using this library in your projects gives you access to the image support of Bio-Formats.

The JACE C++ bindings come with some standalone examples which you can use as a starting point in your own project:

Other projects using the JACE C++ bindings include:

See the build instructions (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) for details on compiling the JACE C++ bindings from source. Once this is done, simply include it in your project as you would any other external library.