The Open Microscopy Environment
OME develops open-source software and data format standards for the storage and manipulation of biological microscopy data. It is a joint project between universities, research establishments, industry and the software development community.

OMERO is client-server software for visualization, management and analysis of biological microscope images.
Latest Release: OMERO 5.3.3
(June 2017)
Full details of this release can be found in the Release announcement.Bio-Formats

Bio-Formats is a Java library for reading and writing biological image files. It can be used as an ImageJ plugin, Matlab toolbox, or in your own software.
Latest Release: Bio-Formats 5.5.3
(July 2017)
Full details of this release can be found in the Release announcement.OME-TIFF Format
A TIFF-based image format that includes the OME-XML standard. Read more
Available at OME Compliant Specification
OME Data Model
A common specification for storing details of microscope set-up and image acquisition. See the File Formats.
New June 2016 Schema now released.