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Partner Projects

The OME Consortium includes laboratories in the UK, France, Italy, and the USA. Developers in a number of these laboratories are currently funded by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (see the OME Teams page for further details). As well as contributing to the core OME codebase and documentation, some of these labs are working on integrating additional functions and modules with OMERO:

  • FLIMfit is an OMERO client developed by Prof Paul French's laboratory at Imperial College London, designed to facilitate viewing and analysis of FLIM data. Version 4.12.1 now available for OMERO 5.2 compatibility

  • u-track is an OMERO client developed by Prof Gaudenz Danuser's laboratory at UT Southwestern designed to track multiple particles in time-lapse movies.

  • OMERO.biobank is an extension of OMERO allowing it to work with non-image data, developed by Dr Gianluigi Zanetti's laboratory at the Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia.

  • OMERO.webtagging is a collection of tag-based tools to extend the OMERO.web client, to automate the application of tags to images, and allow searching by tags, developed by Douglas Russell in Dr Ilan Davis' laboratory, Micron at the University of Oxford UK. Version 2.0.0 now available for compatibility with OMERO 5.2

  • OMERO.csvtools is a script-based tool for mass tagging operations, developed by Spencer Shorte's laboratory at Imagopole, Institut Pasteur Paris, France. Latest version is OMERO 5.1 compatible

  • OMERO.mtools is a suite of MATLAB-based image analysis tools, developed by Michael Porter in Prof Jason Swedlow's laboratory at the University of Dundee. Version 1.3.1 now available for OMERO 5.3 compatibility

  • OMERO.searcher is an extension of the OMERO.web client that provides the ability to search for images by their content (e.g., subcellular patterns) rather than just by their annotations. It was developed in Dr Robert F. Murphy's laboratory in the Ray and Stephanie Lane Center for Computational Biology at Carnegie Mellon University.

  • WND-CHARM is an open source image classifier developed by Dr Ilya Goldberg's laboratory, the Image Informatics and Computational Biology Unit at the National Institute on Aging, Baltimore USA. Developer preview release now available

  • ImageJ-OMERO is an interoperability library for connecting ImageJ with OMERO. ImageJ is an open source image processing program geared toward N-dimensional scientific images, which is developed as part of the SciJava software collaboration, a multi-institution effort which includes LOCI at UW-Madison.

Unless stated otherwise on the linked pages, please contact the OME team via the mailing lists or forums for support or enquires regarding these projects.


  • OMERO.figure is now considered a core project rather than a partner project.
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