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XYZ Stacks

Methods that operate on XYZ stacks of Pixels

  • SetStack - Write an XYZ stack of Pixels.
    • Required Parameters:
      • PixelsID - The Pixels ID of the Pixels that will be written.
      • theC - The C coordinate where to start writing pixels.
      • theT - The T coordinate where to start writing pixels.
      • Pixels - The pixels in binary form are sent as a multi-part form in a POST request. The form field must be called "Pixels" and it must be the last part of the form.
        When using the command line, the Pixels parameter doesn't have to be specified. The raw binary pixels are read from stdin.
        The number of pixels sent must exactly match the number of pixels in a stack for the specified set of Pixels.
        The pixels must be in XYZ order.
    • Optional Parameters:
      • BigEndian - boolean. Set to 0 if the pixels being sent are in little endian byte order. By default, BigEndian=1 (network order)
    • Return value: Number of pixels written
  • GetStack - Get an XYZ stack of Pixels.
    • Required Parameters:
      • PixelsID - The Pixels ID of the Pixels that will be read.
      • theC - The C coordinate where to start reading pixels.
      • theT - The T coordinate where to start reading pixels.
    • Optional Parameters:
      • BigEndian - boolean. Set to 0 if the pixels should be sent in little endian byte order. By default, BigEndian=1 (network order)
    • Return value: The pixels in binary form in XYZ order with an application/octet-stream mime-type.
  • GetStackStats - Get per-stack statistics for all the XYZ stacks in a set of Pixels.
    • Required Parameters:
      • PixelsID - The Pixels ID of the Pixels that will be read.
    • Return value: The statistics are returned as tab-delimited values with one stack per line in the following column order:
      theCtheT minmaxmean sigmageomeangeosigma centroid Xcentroid Ycentroid Z sum isum i**2sum log(i) sum Xisum Yisum Zi
  • GetStackHist - Get per-stack pixel histogram vectors for all the XYZ stacks in a set of Pixels.
    • Required Parameters:
      • PixelsID - The Pixels ID of the Pixels that will be read.
    • Return value: The statistics are returned as tab-delimited values with one stack per line in the following column order:
      theCtheT hist [0]hist [1] ... hist [127]
      The histogram vector is in 128 dimensional space. Its components correspond to bins that uniformly partition the space between min and max. Min and max vary between stacks and are the same as returned by GetStackStats.
  • ConvertStack - Read an XYZ stack of pixels from an uploaded file, and write them to the specified set of Pixels.
    • Required Parameters:
      • PixelsID - The Pixels ID of the Pixels that will be written.
      • FileID - The File ID that the pixels will be read from. The pixels in the file must be in XYZ order.
      • theC - The C coordinate where to start writing pixels.
      • theT - The T coordinate where to start writing pixels.
    • Optional Parameters:
      • Offset - Number of bytes to skip in the file before reading pixels. Useful when the file contains a header, or contains multiple non-contiguous stacks. By default, Offset=0.
      • BigEndian - boolean. Set to 0 if the file being converted is in little endian byte order. By default, BigEndian=1 (network order)
    • Return value: The number of pixels converted.
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