.. _prereq_ome_qtwidgets: OME QtWidgets ============= Various software packages are required to be installed in order to build from source. Several of these may also be built and installed by this super-build. However, note that the super-build cannot provide *all* prerequisites; some will still need installing before building, shown in the table below. .. tabularcolumns:: |l|l|l|c|c|c|c| +---------------+--------------+--------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | | Version | When required | +---------------+--------------+--------------+----------+---------------+--------------+--------+ | Package | Recommended | Minimum | build | superbuild | client build | Deploy | +===============+==============+==============+==========+===============+==============+========+ | OME Files | 0.3.0 | 0.3.0 | \• | | \• | \• | +---------------+--------------+--------------+----------+---------------+--------------+--------+ | GLM | 0.9.6 | 0.9.5 | \• | \• | \• | | +---------------+--------------+--------------+----------+---------------+--------------+--------+ | Qt5 | 5.2 | 5.0 | \• | \• | \• | \• | +---------------+--------------+--------------+----------+---------------+--------------+--------+ | Doxygen | 1.8 | 1.6 | † | † | | | +---------------+--------------+--------------+----------+---------------+--------------+--------+ | Graphviz | 2.x | 1.8.10 | † | † | | | +---------------+--------------+--------------+----------+---------------+--------------+--------+ \• Required ◦ Optional † Optional, needed to build the API reference