.. index:: Zeiss AxioVision ZVI (Zeiss Vision Image) .. index:: .zvi Zeiss AxioVision ZVI (Zeiss Vision Image) =============================================================================== Extensions: .zvi Developer: `Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH (AxioVision) `_ Owner: `Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH `_ **Support** BSD-licensed: |no| Export: |no| Officially Supported Versions: 1.0, 2.0 Reader: ZeissZVIReader (:bfreader:`Source Code `, :doc:`Supported Metadata Fields `) Freely Available Software: - `Zeiss Axiovision LE `_ We currently have: * a ZVI specification document (v2.0.5, from 2010 August, in PDF) * an older ZVI specification document (v2.0.2, from 2006 August 23, in PDF) * an older ZVI specification document (v2.0.1, from 2005 April 21, in PDF) * an older ZVI specification document (v1., from 2001 January 29, in DOC) * Zeiss' ZvImageReader code (v1.0, from 2001 January 25, in C++) * many ZVI datasets We would like to have: **Ratings** Pixels: |Outstanding| Metadata: |Very good| Openness: |Very good| Presence: |Good| Utility: |Good| **Additional Information** **Please note that while we have specification documents for this format, we are not able to distribute them to third parties.** Bio-Formats uses a modified version of the `Apache Jakarta POI library `_ to read ZVI files. ImageJ/FIJI will use the ZVI reader plugin in preference to Bio-Formats if both are installed. If you have a problem which is solved by opening the file using the Bio-Formats Importer plugin, you can just remove the ZVI_Reader.class from the plugins folder. Commercial applications that support ZVI include `Bitplane Imaris `_. .. seealso:: `Axiovision software overview `_