.. index:: Nikon NIS-Elements ND2 .. index:: .nd2 Nikon NIS-Elements ND2 =============================================================================== Extensions: .nd2 Developer: `Nikon USA `_ **Support** BSD-licensed: |no| Export: |no| Officially Supported Versions: Readers: - NativeND2Reader (:bfreader:`Source Code `, :doc:`Supported Metadata Fields `) - LegacyND2Reader (:bfreader:`Source Code `, :doc:`Supported Metadata Fields `) Freely Available Software: - `NIS-Elements Viewer from Nikon `_ We currently have: * many ND2 datasets We would like to have: * an official specification document **Ratings** Pixels: |Very good| Metadata: |Very good| Openness: |Fair| Presence: |Very good| Utility: |Very good| **Additional Information** There are two distinct versions of ND2: an old version, which uses JPEG-2000 compression, and a new version which is either uncompressed or Zip-compressed. We are not aware of the version number or release date for either format. Bio-Formats uses the `JAI Image I/O Tools `_ library to read ND2 files compressed with JPEG-2000. There is also an ND2 reader that uses Nikon's native libraries. To use it, you must be using Windows and have `Nikon's ND2 reader plugin for ImageJ `_ installed. Additionally, you will need to download :source:`LegacyND2Reader.dll ` and place it in your ImageJ plugin folder.