.. index:: Micro-Manager .. index:: .tif, .txt, .xml Micro-Manager =============================================================================== Extensions: .tif, .txt, .xml Developer: `Vale Lab `_ **Support** BSD-licensed: |yes| Export: |no| Officially Supported Versions: Reader: MicromanagerReader (:bsd-reader:`Source Code `, :doc:`Supported Metadata Fields `) Freely Available Software: - `Micro-Manager `_ We currently have: * many Micro-manager datasets * `public sample images `__ We would like to have: **Ratings** Pixels: |Outstanding| Metadata: |Very good| Openness: |Outstanding| Presence: |Fair| Utility: |Good| **Additional Information** - Bio-Formats will recognize a :file:`*metadata.txt` file as part of a Micro-Manager fileset if pointed at it and will load the fileset including the companion TIFF files. - If pointed at a companion :file:`.ome.tif` file, Bio-Formats will recognize an OME-TIFF format instead. This means it may load the fileset if there are multiple .ome.tif but it will not include :file:`*metadata.txt` in this fileset and therefore the extended Micro-Manager metadata will be skipped.