About Bio-Formats ================= Bio-Formats is a standalone Java library for reading and writing life sciences image file formats. It is capable of parsing both pixels and metadata for a large number of formats, as well as writing to several formats. The primary goal of Bio-Formats is to facilitate the exchange of microscopy data between different software packages and organizations. It achieves this by converting proprietary microscopy data into an open standard called the `OME data model `_, particularly into the :model_doc:`OME-TIFF ` file format. We believe the standardization of microscopy metadata to a common structure is of vital importance to the community. You may find LOCI's article on `open source software in science `_ of interest. Help ---- There is a :doc:`guide for reporting bugs here `. For help relating to opening images in ImageJ or FIJI or when using the command line tools, refer to the :doc:`users documentation `. You can also find tips on common issues with specific formats on the pages linked from the :doc:`supported formats table `. Please `contact us `__ if you have any questions or problems with Bio-Formats not addressed by referring to the documentation. Other places where questions are commonly asked and/or bugs are reported include: - `OME Trac `_ - `ome-devel mailing list `_ (searchable using google with 'site:lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk') - `ome-users mailing list `_ (searchable using google with 'site:lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk') - ImageJ mailing list (for ImageJ/Fiji issues) `forum archive `_ and `mailing list `_ - `ImageJ developer mailing list `_ - `Fiji Bugzilla (for ImageJ/Fiji issues) `_ - `Fiji developer google group `_ - `Confocal microscopy mailing list `_ Bio-Formats versions -------------------- Bio-Formats is now decoupled from OMERO with its own release schedule rather than being updated whenever a new version of :omerodoc:`OMERO <>` is released. We expect this to result in more frequent releases to get fixes out to the community faster. The version number is three numbers separated by dots e.g. 4.0.0. See the :doc:`version history ` for a list of major changes in each release. Why Java? --------- From a practical perspective, Bio-Formats is written in Java because it is cross-platform and widely used, with a vast array of libraries for handling common programming tasks. Java is one of the easiest languages from which to deploy cross-platform software. In contrast to C++, which has a large number of complex platform issues to consider, and Python, which leans heavily on C and C++ for many of its components (e.g., NumPy and SciPy), Java code is compiled one time into platform-independent byte code, which can be deployed as is to all supported platforms. And despite this enormous flexibility, Java manages to provide time performance nearly equal to C++, often better in the case of I/O operations (see further discussion on the `comparative speed of Java on the LOCI site `_). There are also historical reasons associated with the fact that the project grew out of work on the `VisAD Java component library `_. You can read more about the origins of Bio-Formats on the `LOCI Bio-Formats homepage `_. Bio-Formats metadata processing ------------------------------- Pixels in microscopy are almost always very straightforward, stored on evenly spaced rectangular grids. It is the metadata (details about the acquisition, experiment, user, and other information) that can be complex. Using the OME data model enables applications to support a single metadata format, rather than the multitude of proprietary formats available today. Every file format has a distinct set of metadata, stored differently. Bio-Formats processes and converts each format's metadata structures into a standard form called the `OME data model `_, according to the :model_doc:`OME-XML ` specification. We have defined an open exchange format called :model_doc:`OME-TIFF ` that stores its metadata as OME-XML. Any software package that supports OME-TIFF is also compatible with the dozens of formats listed on the Bio-Formats page, because Bio-Formats can convert your files to OME-TIFF format. To facilitate support of OME-XML, we have created a :model_doc:`library in Java ` for reading and writing :model_doc:`OME-XML ` metadata. There are three types of metadata in Bio-Formats, which we call core metadata, original metadata, and OME metadata. #. **Core metadata** only includes things necessary to understand the basic structure of the pixels: image resolution; number of focal planes, time points, channels, and other dimensional axes; byte order; dimension order; color arrangement (RGB, indexed color or separate channels); and thumbnail resolution. #. **Original metadata** is information specific to a particular file format. These fields are key/value pairs in the original format, with no guarantee of cross-format naming consistency or compatibility. Nomenclature often differs between formats, as each vendor is free to use their own terminology. #. **OME metadata** is information from #1 and #2 converted by Bio-Formats into the OME data model. **Performing this conversion is the primary purpose of Bio-Formats.** Bio-Formats uses its ability to convert proprietary metadata into OME-XML as part of its integration with the OME and OMERO servers— essentially, they are able to populate their databases in a structured way because Bio-Formats sorts the metadata into the proper places. This conversion is nowhere near complete or bug free, but we are constantly working to improve it. We would greatly appreciate any and all input from users concerning missing or improperly converted metadata fields. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: bug-reporting whats-new