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OME Consortium Developers Meeting 2007

15 May 2007 - University of Wisconsin, Madison

The OME Consortium held its annual developers meeting in beautiful Madison WI on the campus of UW. Notes from the meeting are here. In summary:

  • An updated OME Data Model and OME-XML file will be released by June 15. See OME-XML Evolution for details.

  • Ilya Goldberg's lab has developed a pattern recognition system for OME based on WND-CHARM available from CVS.

  • The Consortium decided to take a series of steps towards adding much of the functionality of the current OME Server to the OMERO platform. The end result of this development path will be one OME Server Platform driven by OMERO with the analysis engine capabilities of the current OME server system. Specifically a series of updated functions will be added to the OMERO server to include support for distributed computation, a method to allow data model updates, a workflow engine, support for the existing OME Server Web UI. Our aim is to use the WND-CHARM application to drive the requirements for these pieces of functionality in the OMERO Server. We currently aim to complete this work by Q1/08. More details of these plans are available in the meeting notes.

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