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« July 2024 »

Release of OMERO.figure 3.0.0

The OME Consortium are pleased to announce the release of OMERO.figure 3.0.0

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the release of OMERO.figure 3.0.0. This release builds on the previously unannounced 2.0 release in which the installation of OMERO.figure was moved to PyPI. Other OMERO official omero-gallery and omero-webtest are also available from PyPI.

Installation is now much simpler. Principally the install is done via pip, with some additional configuration settings. Previously installed versions should first be removed before installing from PyPI.

For full details see our install and upgrade documentation.

The script used to export a figure as PDF or TIFF still requires to be uploaded to the OMERO.server. This is not available via pip

This change means that OMERO.figure now requires OMERO 5.3.0.

Additional features new in OMERO.figure 3.0.0:

Load ROIs from OMERO to add new Shapes to your figure:

  • In the 'Edit ROIs' dialog, ROIs can be loaded from OMERO and shown on the image.
  • Shapes can be selected to add to the image within the figure.

Set the position and size of figure panels:

  • Set an explicit x, y, width and height for selected panels.
  • When resizing panels, you can enforce the current aspect ratio.

Look-up table support:

  • Choose look-up tables from those provided by OMERO.
  • Can render each channel with a different look-up table.
  • Additional look-up tables can be added to the OMERO.server.

OMERO.figure supports the new 'open-with' functionality:

  • Select Images in webclient, right-click on the tree and Open with... OMERO.figure to open images in a new figure.
  • Other apps added to the open_with configuration can be opened directly from within OMERO.figure. This will be used for the new OMERO.iviewer app, to be released soon.

Other features:

  • Rendering setting inputs for channels allow entering of numbers instead of only using sliders.


The OME team

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