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« July 2024 »

Release of OME Consortium projects

The OME Consortium is pleased to announce the release of a number of partner projects extending OMERO

We are pleased to announce the release of several "Projects" from the OME Consortium which add extra functionality and are fully compatible with the newly released OMERO and Bio-Formats 5.0.0. The Projects included in this release are:

FLIMfit 4.6.4

  • Mac-only, Windows version to follow
  • FLIMfit is now compatible with OMERO 5.0.0 and features support for LaVision Imspector .msr files via Bio-Formats 5.0.0;
  • Support for Becker & Hickl SPCImage .sdt files has been extended to include measurement mode 13;
  • Download from

u-track 2.1.1

  • u-track now supports OMERO 5.0.0 and is bundled with Bio-Formats 5.0.0;
  • Improvements include new graphical interfaces to login and browse data onto an OMERO server;
  • Download from

OMERO.webtagging 1.0.0

  • First full release of this application.
  • OMERO.webtagging provides a semi-automatic process for creating and applying tags based on the filename, path and extension of the original data.
  • Improvements over the beta version include support for displaying all existing tags, tighter webclient integration and some performance enhancements.
  • Download from

OMERO.figure 1.0.0-beta1

  • OMERO.figure is a new web app for creating figures from images in OMERO.
  • It has tools for quickly aligning panels, adjusting rendering settings, scrolling Z and T, adding labels and displaying scalebars. Images can be exported as PDF or saved and shared via the web.
  • See for more information.
  • This is a beta release; feedback and comments welcome!
  • Download from

OMERO.mtools 1.0.0

  • OMERO.mtools is a suite of MATLAB-based tools for carrying out common image analysis tasks on images stored in an OMERO.server;
  • it has its own GUI and only requires an installation of MATLAB Compiler Runtime to run.
  • OMERO.mtools has been used to analyse data for several papers published by groups in Dundee; comments and feedback welcome!
  • Download from

OMERO.searcher 0.1.0

  • OMERO.searcher provides the ability to search for images in OMERO by their content (e.g., subcellular patterns) rather than just by their annotations.
  • This is an early preview release, not intended for production use. Comments and feedback welcome!
  • Download from

OMERO.csvtools 0.2.2

  • OMERO.csvtools is a script-based tool for mass tagging operations;
  • Tag definitions are supplied in a simple, conventional CSV structure, and may be provided through a local file on disk or fetched remotely from an OMERO.server file store.
  • This is a preview release, comments and feedback welcome!
  • Download from

These projects are available to download at:

Further information for each project is available at:

The OME Consortium will keep on maintaining and developing these applications. Any problems or comments, please use the OME Forums or mailing lists:


The OME Team

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