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« July 2024 »

Release of FLIMfit 4.11.0

The OME Consortium are pleased to announce the release of FLIMfit 4.11.0

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the release of version 4.11 of the high-speed open-source Fluorescence Lifetime fitting and visualisation tool FLIMfit.


  • Compatible with versions 5.2.x of OMERO.
  • OMERO interface has been improved to simplify the handling of attached non-image files.
  • Improved error handling/reporting has been added.
  • Added ability to resample FIFO data spatially/temporally at load time.
  • FLIMfit now prompts the user when a new version is available.
  • An “Exit” option has been added to the “File” menu.
  • improved handling of tiff/ome-tiff files (Bio-Formats is now used to distinguish the two for greater reliability.)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for problems loading single pixel, multichannel Becker & ­Hickl .sdt files (now using Bio-Formats 5.1.9)
  • Problems loading Picoquant .bin files that were introduced in Version 4.10.3 have been addressed.
  • Attempts to select combinations of multiple multidimensional files that FLIMfit is incapable of loading are now blocked in the User Interface.

Known Issues

Users of LaVision BioTec’s Imspector software please note: the Bio-Formats library, which FLIMfit uses, supports version 4.0 of this software. It appears that recent changes to LaVision Imspector mean that FLIM files from version 5.0 are not always correctly interpreted by the current Bio-Formats reader.

The OME team have open tickets to add support for newer versions of this format.

In the meantime our suggested work-around is to use the capability of this software to generate ome-tiffs. However, there is an issue here:

FLIMfit supports OME-TIFF files which use the Modulo annotation introduced as a standard in the 2011 version of the OME model to store the FLIM time dimension. The OME-TIFF files from the Imspector system, unfortunately, use an older version of this standard and cannot, therefore be identified via Bio-Formats as FLIM data. A patch has been added to FLIMfit to attempt to handle these files but please treat with caution.

Downloads are available from and documentation for FLIMfit is available at

Help pages can be found at

The users list for this software can be found at:

Kind Regards

Dr Ian Munro/the OME Team

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