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PerkinElmer Sponsor OME Users Meeting Fellowships

20 April 2009 - We are happy to announce that PerkinElmer has agreed to help sponsor the upcoming OME Users Meeting at Institut Pasteur, May 19-20.

PerkinElmer has agreed to help sponsor the upcoming OME Users Meeting at Institut Pasteur, May 19-20. Specifically, PerkinElmer have agreed to underwrite 10 travel fellowships of €250 each to help support the meeting and encourage users of OME to attend. The only requirement is that each awardee submit an abstract (1 page A4 MAXIMUM) that describes the work you are doing with imaging. The abstract doesn't have to be about your work with OME's tools, but can focus more broadly on your work and your science. These will be presented during a poster session on May 19. The goal is to drive discussions about use cases for OME's tools.

To apply for a fellowship, send your name, full address, affiliation, CV, and the abstract to Jason Swedlow by email. Submissions must be received by 1800 GMT April 30, 2009. We'll announce winners soon thereafter. Spencer Shorte and Jason Swedlow will select the winners. Please DO NOT send your applications to the OME mailing lists.

We would like to again thank PerkinElmer for their support of OME.

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