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OMERO Beta4.2.0 Release

14 July 2010 - The OME project is pleased to announce the release of OMERO Beta4.2.0

Today, The OME Consortium (, is proud to release OMERO-Beta4.2.0.

This release is a major step in functionality and stability for OMERO. The full list of features in OMERO, including new features in the OMERO Beta4.2.0, is at

Most features are accompanied by a short movie that shows that functionality in action.

For full details of the OMERO Beta4.2.0 release, see:

Some highlights:

  1. Implementation of User & Group Permissions, and data visibility between users.
    ...This is a big change in functionality, adding group level permissions. For existing production systems, please see the pages at

  2. Release of more HCS Functionality
    ...updates to the OME SPW Model and improvements in data visualization:

  3. SSL connection between OMERO clients and server
    ...for securing passwords used with the improved LDAP plugin:

  4. Release of full scripting system, accessible from command line and within OMERO.insight, including Figure Export and FLIM Analysis
    ...OMERO.scripts is our image analysis and processing system, that allows you to run essentially any function or analysis within or against OMERO:

  5. ROIs generated in OMERO.insight stored on server; extended use of OMERO.Tables for analysis results

  6. New file formats and performance improvements for import, through extensions to Bio-Formats, and server-side import histories.
    ...Bio-Formats has been substantially overhauled:

  7. Revamped, fully functional OMERO.web web browser interface for OMERO

  8. Upgrade of Backend libraries in OMERO.server
    ...we know, it's very technical, and users don't see it, but it is very important and a ton of work, and sets the stage for lots of cool stuff coming soon!

...and lots more!

The software is available at

The full list of features in OMERO, including new features in the OMERO Beta-4.2, is at Most features are accompanied by a short movie that shows that functionality in action.

We have a number of other features we will expose (including extensions to the much talked about OMERO.fs) in point releases that follow over the next few months.

Our feedback system, ( is a facility users and developers can use to log comments and exceptions. supports uploading of problematic data files, and tracking of responses to any user queries. Moreover, includes a demo feature: in collaboration with Urban Liebel at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, we are providing demo accounts for OMERO. Use the Demo link at qa to contact us if you are interested in this.

As always, thanks for your support.

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