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Bio-Formats 4.3.3 release

18 October 2011 - LOCI and Glencoe Software have released a new version of Bio-Formats

Today, UW-Madison LOCI ( and Glencoe Software ( are pleased to announce the 4.3.3 release of Bio-Formats (

This release contains the following notable changes:

  • Many bug fixes, including:
    • Speed improvements to HCImage/SimplePCI and Zeiss ZVI files
    • Reduce memory required by Leica LIF reader
    • More accurately populate metadata for Prairie TIFF datasets
    • Various fixes to improve the security of the OMERO plugin for ImageJ
    • Better dimension detection for Bruker MRI datasets
    • Better thumbnail generation for histology (SVS, NDPI) datasets
    • Fix stage position parsing for Metamorph TIFF datasets
    • Correctly populate the channel name for PerkinElmer Flex files

You can download Bio-Formats here:

As usual, we are now working towards the next release, which has yet to be named. Items which may be included in the next release are listed on this roadmap:

We are, as always, very grateful for the bug reports, test files, and patches submitted by the community. If you have any questions or comments, or if you have found a bug, please contact us as instructed here:

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