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You are here: Home Community Minutes Mini Group meetings Web client meetings 2011 2011-11-28


Attending: Chris, Emma, Ola, Scott, Scott ElWood, Will, Jason


List of active branches.

List of active Pull Requests.

To discuss:

  1. (5 min) #6166 ROI in big image viewer PR_25.

    • Action: Chris is reviewing. IN PROGRESS
  2. (5 min) PanoJS IE Bugs #7308

    • Action: Chris will ask for VM
    • Ola tested it with IE 8. It seams that big image viewer does not fire onload event in write order in IE.
  3. (5 min) #7094 Django update

    • Action: Chris/Ola rebased and change her commit messages. DONE
  4. (2 min) #7189 Static files handling.

    • Ola: #7336 Static variable naming improvement.
  5. (5 min) #6198 Template extensions

    • Action: Templates and common media review. INPROGRESS
    • #7263 Templates: Phase II.
    • Have refactored 2 & 3 column container layouts to use divs (instead of tables). Content can fill and overflow:auto. screen-shot.
    • Next stage in templates work is decoupling jsTree from other panels #7340, iframe removal etc.
    • Have also been thinking about how this provides extension points for panel content #7339
  6. #7095 JavaScript overhaul

    • Chris and Scott will pick few tickets and create google doc with jQuery plugin references
  7. Others:


Carlos, Chris, Emma, Ola, Scott, Scott ElWood, Will, Jason


  1. (5 min) #6166 ROI in big image viewer PR_25.

    • Will: Chris found minor bug in table when applying the style.
    • Chris: Still not working very well in IE. We need to come back and review both Clients (Insight and Web) when J-M is back. I found many thing how Insight syncs up in terms of saving, deleting data. That is only in the context of Insight, web is quite solid.
    • Chris: What do we want to do about IE. You can see ROI, but if you have any text there is lost.
    • Ola: In terms of Big image viewer bug, I was playing with another versions of IE and compatibility using Development Tools and it seams to be very unstable. IE9 does not work as well.
    • Chris: We need to resolve IE problem. Based on web stats, the most common user setup seams to be Win XP with IE8
  2. (5 min) PanoJS IE Bugs #7308

    • Ola: Carlso and myself were looking at this problem. I pushed those changes.
    • Carlos: big image viewer does not fire onload event in write order in IE. Event onload is fired before object loaded. This is IE 8 bug.
    • Ola: There is another issue with loading tiles as well, I need to investigate it.
    • Emma: how often IE users complain out incapability?
    • Chria/Ola: couple of times. Most of them have another web browser as well.
    • Scott Elwood: There is chrome emulator for IE.
    • Emma: Maybe we could point people to that plugin with saying that we are trying to endeavour it but you might expect bug.
  3. (5 min) #7094 Django update

    • Ola:No more changes there. PR 34 include that should be used as the foundation to checkout
    • Will: I was browsing through those changes and I noticed some 404 errors.
    • Action: Ola and Will will look at media files tomorrow and make a list of files which should be promoted.
  4. (2 min) #7189 Static files handling.

    • Action: Ola still wants to look and investigate more complex solution for global variables, how to make it configurable, etc. I will do it as a part of #7336 Static variable naming improvement.
    • Ola: PR34 should go to Merge-Blue and deployed on the server. I will add screenshots to the PR 34 and Scott could start testing it.
    • Action: Ola will add screenshots to PR34.
    • Action: Scott will try to make testing preparation for PR34.
  5. (5 min) #6198 Template extensions

    • Will: Have refactored 2 & 3 column container layouts to use divs (instead of tables). Content can fill and overflow:auto. screen-shot. In order to fix page resizing I replaced table by divs. I am about to finishing fixes and I will push it.

    • Ola: can you make sure this will also happened in WebAdmin.

    • Will: Next stage in templates work is decoupling jsTree from other panels #7340, iframe removal etc. Have also been thinking about how this provides extension points for panel content #7339

    • Will: More integration: making tree more reusable in various apps, it is described in 7340. Just separating what we want to change and set up. It would be possible to initialise tree with couple of settings. It would be nice to discuss when do we want to do it.

    • Scott: with the regard for continued layout review there would be good idea to give the output to satellites.

    • Chris: yes, we definitely want to show it to satellites. Will is quite good with his set of examples, making documentation, etc. Another story is making is easy accessible by the other people

  6. #7095 JavaScript overhaul

    • Chris and Scott will pick few tickets and create google doc with jQuery plugin references

    • Chris: I will not be here, Maybe Scott can give the output

  7. Others:

  8. Output from Paul's feedback:

    • Scott: We draw to the point where Paul is happy what we currently have, IT department is going to set up the environment for him.
  9. Priority list review:

    • 1,2,3, mostly stable waiting form merging
    • 4 and 6 were picked in progress
    • Next week meeting is moved to Thursday afternoon. We will go through the priority list and review what we want to do next.
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