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You are here: Home Community Minutes Mini Group meetings Web client meetings 2011 2011-10-31


Carlos, Chris, Emma, Ola, Will, Scott


Action: In this meeting we are going to discuss general plan for next few months.

  1. #6166 ROI in big image viewer. GitHub/PR_16 DONE
    • #7091 ROI thumbnail display etc:
      • ROI thumbnails disabled by default and with a toggle to turn them on.
      • ROI widget scrollable.
      • ROI thumbnail zooming disable.
    • #7053 Small roi_thumbnail fixes
    • #7096 Changing main viewer panel default cursor to pointer.
  2. #6806 Web SPW Phase II. GitHub/PR_19 DONE
    • #7111 Pushing changes from #3078: Plate acquisition support, refactoring getNumberOfFields.
  3. #7094 DJANGO update.
    • #7116 Review of Django and dependencies
    • #7124 Evaluate new Django features
  4. JS update.
    • Deciding about version jquery, jquery.ui and other common library.
    • Making Django framework application to store common media and templates.
    • Templates
      • #6849 Bye-bye bin/omero web syncmedia.
      • #6198 extensions.
      • Unify JavaScript usage if possible.


Carlos, Chris, Emma, Ola, Will


  1. #6166 ROI in big image viewer. GitHub/PR_16 DONE

    • Will: I pushed last changes on Friday.
    • Chris: I need review final changes. (to Will) Did you address UI issue.
    • Will: No, I need to look at this, will let you know once is ready.
    • Chris: for Scotts and others benefits I put there couple of screenshots.
    • Scott: later this week I will do demo. Just need to confirm the date. I will give the output of that next week.
    • Chris: I also need to check and remove 'print's from src before merging. Cleanup no ticket.
    • Will: I thought I removed those were used in debugging.
    • Those changes will be available on Gretzky.
  2. #6806 Web SPW Phase II. GitHub/PR_19 DONE

    • Ola: I was unable to add Carlos to PR 19.
    • Carlos: need to push back those changes to 4.1.custom. I haven't done that because of other changes in my branch.
    • Chris: I briefly looked there. Are there any unittest for that?
    • Ola. No, not yet.
    • Carlos: There were many changes that also need testing coverage. Open the ticket for me. I will review unittests.
    • Ola: Shall we do it as a part of #7116.
  3. #7094 DJANGO update.

    • Ola: Currently I am away, I will start working on this on Monday.
    • Chris: I updated Django to 1.3 and pushed to my GitHub. That does not have any other changes then build. I spent couple of hours going through Django 1.1-1.3 release notes comparing those features. I outlined necessary changes in the story [#7116]( All of the things we need to look at are: deprecated, changed, removed completely, docs, etc. #7124 contains new features we might want to have look at and use them, e.g. unittest, new static file handling, etc. It is worth to read about views representation in classes and new caching infrastructure.
  4. JS update.

    • Deciding about version jquery, jquery.ui and other common library.
      • Carlos: jquery updat is more awkward. I would look at the latest stable version of jquery and jquery.ui and use it as we develop. I had couple of issues with testing and ajax due to changes in response header.
      • Chris: I can review it again as I did with Django and create stories.
    • Making Django framework application to store common media and templates.
      • Ola: Currently I do not have any strong preferences how that should look like. Creating new Django app is state forward. I need to review Django static file handling in 1.3 #7126 first.
  5. Templates:

    • #6198 extensions.
      • Will: In #7067 I outlined what we should do in extension points we want to support. First, simple extending template. Making some set of templates available for everyone, including UI, columns (3 columns), toolbars, etc. Second, swapping different components with own schema.
      • Ola/Chris: Perhaps it should be 0 columns, then hereditary 2,3 columns.
      • Ola: You also might keep in mind anonymous user as a template feature.
      • Chris: It would be worth to look at Django 1.3 template loader system. It has completely different system.
      • Will: I will look at #7120 template loader
  6. Making both clients consistence

    • Scott: I'd like to continue with icon, homepage webadmin review. what is the best way to organise it? The current tickets for this work are #4300, #7133, and #7110.
    • Chris: Currently we are busy and have couple of meetings. Try to make general review and have prioritise list. We will be able to pick some of them then during the development.
    • Will: HIC group decided to not use the general layout as it is right now in webclient (big buttons). They made it thiner, more google like.
    • Chirs: this is basically time to prioritise look and feel issues.
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