Attending: Gus, Petr, Ola, Will, Helen, J-M
OMERO clinic
- Room booked every thursday 10-12.WTB 2 North Meeting Room
- Initially for internal users. Could be opened to external via remote access.
- E-mail to send. Name suggestion?
Meeting and workshops
- ABRF: 22-25/03. Running a workshop on 22/03. Petr/J-M are going. We might need a 3rd person
- Crieff: 21-23/03. Short presentation and schedule workshops post Crieff. Gus registered.
- Manchester: running workshop 30/06 prior to congress.
- OMERO teaching tool: Gus/Ola
- Duplicate Import Gus: anything new to look at - yes new mockups added to doc.
- Copy/Paste... J-M/Petr/Will: report
- Bugs
OMERO clinic
- e-mail ready to be sent out. OMERO drop-in session
- Helen to tweet
- J-M: notify michael (Done)
- J-M: submitted abstract yesterday.
- Probably need an extra person for the workshop on 22/03. TBD. June to register J-M/Petr
- Gus: registered yesterday. At least a Poster
- similar to the GRE poster. Helen to add logo (twitter, etc)
- Gus: prepare doc to give away
- Helen/Ola happy to help if required
Teaching tool
- Notify via social media when new semester start
- Review of the notes taken during meeting with Melanie
- usage of facebook
- Location of last section of the image view.
- To review in more details and create relevant tickets
- Check server status w/ Kenny
- Duplicate Import
- J-M: run test to check performance.
- No pop-up if duplicate button on row and general button
- Duplicate option (name/checksum) to be reviewed. Wording not clear, tooltip etc.
- Gus: update mockup
- Copy/Paste etc
- Rename action to avoid confusion
- Deprecate "remove" in web
- Remove of FA: warning before deleting.
- Delete warning
- Create corresponding tickets
5.0.0: FYI
- J-M/Will to work on the bugs
- Petr/Gus Meeting 10/01 to select the ones to fix first.
5.0.0: FYI