Attending: Jason, Simon, Elwood, Andy
Two Week Review
Secure Alias Status: First pass nearly complete
- Patient enters anonchi and retrieves list of projects
- #6895: Websilo development ticket for above -- completion blocked by need for server-side support:
- Elwood took on #6936 as an introductory solo websilo development ticket
Secure Alias Status: First pass nearly complete
Current 2 week plan
- Complete first pass aliasing support -- Simon & Elwood
- Close last 2 tickets under #6446 -- Simon
- Continue coding & closing tickets under #6165 particularly data export -- Simon
- NB. At this point we should have a first, quite narrow, horizontal pass through the auditing system from point of project export to point of researcher usage.
- Simon, Elwood, Jason, Andy
what up to
- Scott up to speed: django & the OMERO way
- Demo data up to 1.2 million rows
- Is scott happy with that/progress
Meet HIC folk in two weeks or so
- NB. change over Andy to a. n. other at HIC
Priorities at HIC
- 2nd OMERO dataset silo/NHS mirror
From #6165
- how would the researcher use the exported CSV?
- priorities over tasks from #6165 (1st) #6139 and related export tickets #6206 & #6207
- then #6137 to standardise table display & pagination
- Have a software demonstrator for the next steering committee meeting
If agenda'd tickets are completed in next 2 weeks -- what is next priority to come to the next steering committee meeting with? what will sell the projec to HIC?
- Andy - focus on targets from 1-pager as is a good description of high-level goals
- Josh here week of 7th Nov, busy 8th & 9th, possible meeting on 10th.
- Andy: Continue getting data/datasets/releases
- Dundee Omero Team: Talk with Josh on Tuesday re: Gianluigi
- Scott: talk with Will & Ola about Django/OMERO development
- Simon & Scott: Tickets from agenda
- Simon: Auditing wishlist ticket #6454