Will's summary:
Stateful services
- Currently not used in truly stateful way - state only used within a single method on client (except Rendering Engine)
- Performance / convenience maybe, but not essential
- Propose stateless methods to cover existing functionality - rendering engine, thumbs, pixelstore, filestore
Stateless method count
- Aim to make methods "less specific".
- Return more info from more generic methods - client does more work.
- Try to reduce method count enough to put all in single gateway service
Reduce Client-side code / logic
- What does client code get us?
- Lazy loading (potential to do this in core model objects)?
- Hiding 'warts' of model. E.g. Image.getPixels().getSizeZ()
- Connection Handling
- Might not need Lazy loading if we always load appropriate graph
TODOs - see bottom of Josh's notes
Josh's notes:
Present : Will, Chris, Josh, Carlos
Big questions - see http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/wiki/Omero/GatewayApi
lazy loading
stateful services
one off methods all in gateway
time-scale, where we're headed, how much effort to put in
Will: since last time, ...
hashed things out on the wiki pages
- get: id
list: get all of something
- Chris: eid?
- Parameters
- find:
- delete:
- search:
annotations seem to not fit well
using python gateway as something sufficient to be a client
- Java gateway uses more functionality
methods on connection object itself unrepresented:
- admin, add groups
shares: depends on what we do with them
J-M: put on hold based on mini-group discussion
- discussed in Dundee
- concept will lose its benefit with new permission levels
- may should wait before adding it to gateway
- at Imperial they were using it.
J-M: put on hold based on mini-group discussion
Two services: one for acting as an adminstrator, one for user?
Carlos: even when acting as administrator I'm still a user
Chris: worried about splitting calling context, making things too complicated
Carlos: listProjects flag "only-owned" or "all-I-see"
Chris: might be able to cover this with Parameters.exp() & grp()
Stateless v. Stateful
- Josh: we either need something stateful or we need state objects which get passed
Chris: webclient calls all the setters each time anyway.
- trying to support stateless clients with stateful server
- could have had these based on change(s)
Will: don't know how the Java client is using these
- not using state maintained on server
- could be handled by passing a map.
- can't have object server-side because links can be in the future (??)
- would have to keep state in each of the workers...
- what's used stateful?
- Josh: state needed for one local, client method call?
- Chris: roughly accurate
@@No centralized synchronization which causes problems.
- incl. no buffer re-use or other shared resources
- clients should still close null
- copy rendering settings uses the statefulness
- RE is probably longest lived service
- support for multiple rendering defs may also complicate matters
- Chris: we keep hearing that clients are keeping up with state anyway
- Jean-Marie: have to, otherwise it's unusable
- Also discussion to merge thumbnail service and rendering engine
Number of methods being used
- Image access is through ImageWrapper (currently)
- Putting them all together could be quite large.
- Josh: don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with having a long interface
Looking at DeprecationCandidates...
- Trying to get an idea for which methods are used (a little, a lot, not at all)
- Even used once.
- Chris: Have to balance "not doing exactly what I want"
Model hiding & Lazy-loading
- Will: like what Carlos has done: getImage, getChannel, getColor
- Having getSizeX on the image itself
- Chris: those are warts in the model we need to get rid of
- Other big warts?
- Will: code on the client
Chris: big burden to implement it. replicated across all the clients.
- there are not wrappers for some of the objects.
- Carlos: Ola wrapped the SPW objects
- The fact that they are wrapped gives them a lot of smarts
- getChannels is unique to ImageWrapper
- Would argue that that is the place to put them
- You have lots of workflows where you need image without pixels
- Client can handle the lazy loading.
- That's the correct place to be.
Chris: none of the clients use the low-level objects, so why do we have them?
- If we're not supporting/improving them, then
- Carlos: wouldn't go that far.
- There has to be a a compatible way of working in the server
- The object-oriented method though too magic is very pythonic
- Shouldn't have to think in Java
- Chris: just two different styles, in wrapper objects or in gateway object
- Carlos: point is the django-template style so don't need lots of different views
- Problems we need to solve in the core objects.
- Core objects should handle connection & model
- Have to do a better job of solving getting data.
- Chris: Find-grainedness is not going away, or are the queries
- Chris: have created a mess by convenience
- Will: getDatset(id).listChildren().getCreationDate()
- APLLC: subset of graphs can be loaded.
- Josh: don't mind implementing lazy-loading, but need to be uniform
Chris: in web it may not matter since it's close to the server,...
- but we're not sure, because web's use cases have typically been smaller (and non-HCS)
Chris: Would love to see a graph of the methods/objects used to access graphs
- use 15 or 20 max. image/pixels/(logical-)channel
- but when it's touched, then it's all used. lazy-loading doesn't help.
Chris: no choice but to start moving some of the lazy-loading code out of Python
- Carlos: would love to not have to worry about lazy-loading on the gateway side
Chris: we could solve a lot of this
- If all you had to think about were 3-4 things, and not every possible graph, etc.
- ...different method names, etc.
- Chris: lazy-loading is because it's hard to work with the model
Will: use Gateway.getImage() almost everywhere, but sometimes don't use pixels
- Is it hurting me to get the Pixels when I don't need it?
- Chris: maybe basic loading is don't load anything.
- but could probably get rid of lazy-loading completely if we have a few well-defined graphs
Need binary/stateful methods on list: renderImage, getThumbnail, raw pixels, ...
RE will need to be reviewed (longer-term)
Start looking at how IAdmin can be collapsed
Add connection handling to GatewayApi page ("List of Orthogonal responsibilities")
- Also: Connection handling, Exception handling, Lazy loading, Model warts, ...
Defined graphs which we are actually using
Other things missing: sudo, mgmt. methods for rendering defs
Define timeline