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You are here: Home Community Minutes Meetings February 2012 Dundee Developers' Meeting Participants


The people who attended the meeting.

Harvard Medical School

Sebastien Besson Sebastien Besson

Institut Pasteur, Paris

Juergen Helmers Juergen Helmers

University of Edinburgh

Donald MacDonald Donald MacDonald

University of Oxford

Graeme Ball Graeme Ball

Imperial Collage, London

Ian Munro Ian Munro

European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)

Ingvar Lagerstedt Ingvar Lagerstedt

Medical Research Council, Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh MRC-HGU

Richard Baldock Richard Baldock

Bill Hill Bill Hill

Jianguo Rao Jianguo Rao

Collage of Life Science, University of Dundee

Pieta Schofield Pieta Schofield

Glencoe Software

Dom Gaudioso Dom Gaudioso

Melissa Linkert Melissa Linkert

Josh Moore Josh Moore

Carlos Neves Carlos Neves

OME Dundee

Chris Allan Chris Allan

Jean-Marie Burel Jean-Marie Burel

Emma Hill Emma Hill

Scott Littlewood Scott Littlewood

Scott Loynton Scott Loynton

Will Moore Will Moore

Andrew Patterson Andrew Patterson

Aleksandra Tarkowska Aleksandra Tarkowska

Jason Swedlow Jason Swedlow

Simon Wells Simon Wells

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