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You are here: Home Community Minutes Conference Calls 2014 2014-07-15 Tuesday Team Meeting

2014-07-15 Tuesday Team Meeting

Dundee: Kenny, Simon, Emil, June, Mark, Colin, Graeme, Dominik, Roger, Andrew, Petr, Blazej, Ola, Will, Simone, Balaji, Jason Remote: Josh, Yuriy, Andreas, Stick, Mark H, Melissa, Seb S, Seb B, Curtis, Douglas, Kelli, JB

Agenda - 2:30pm Start

  1. Accepting minutes from last meeting

    • accepted
  2. Project Status (15 minutes max)

    1. Mainline (5++ minutes) (Josh) - 14:34 UK

      • ROI card
        • Balaji: has not been able to reproduce issue, can try some more on nightshade
        • Josh: if so infrequent then okay to not consider a blocker
      • Search card
        • if necessary can finish off documentation after code freeze
      • Documentation card
      • Petr: a challenge will be testing the server set-up configuration changes
        • Josh: a separate group could assist with testing these
      • Petr: will the new QA2 be for 5.0.3?
        • Ola: could do as first thing after release
        • Petr: when will release happen?
          • Josh: indications are end of July, depends on annual leave, etc.
            • Jason: please make changes of expected testing and release dates well-known
        • Andrew: which server will it be on?
          • Kenny: on the new production web server, not necromancer
    2. Glencoe Update (5 minutes) (Jason) - 14:49 UK

      • Josh Ballanco is back with Glencoe
      • Glencoe team will be meeting in New York toward the end of July
      • OpenCV / ITK bridge will not be in 5.0.3 but will be in 5.1
    3. Consortium Update (5 minutes) - 14:52 UK

      • Simone: with Simon, have OMERO server act as launcher for scripts that use Hadoop cluster, currently targeting hadoop 1.2.1. Now have skeleton of a Pydoop script application, with dummy code writing results back to HDFS. Looking at Hadoop and OMERO code to understand file system IO abstraction: file paths, etc. In hadoop is generic and allows implementation on Amazon S3 and others.
        • GitHub repository
        • Relevant Trello cards: "HPC / CRS4" in the OMERO.features/ML board
      • Yuriy: still needs original file OME-TIFF download for plates, will follow up with Will
        • Josh: full OME-XML plate import, full fileset download with an OME-TIFF for each well
      • Mark H: good hackathon last week, this week working on Matlab scripting / Fiji
      • Curtis: micro manager update site now working
        • catching up well on ImageJ2 bug fixing, hoping to return to ImageJ-OMERO in due course
      • Douglas: fixing bugs with webtagging, 5.0.3, etc.
  3. AOB (5 mins max - technical discussions should be highlighted to relevant people and rescheduled) - 15:09 UK

    • Jason: appreciate that it is easy to miss comment notifications given all the activity on all the different systems we use
    • Jason: Dundee team have now moved into CTIR2
      • Sebastien B: what of the unexpected firewall policy change this weekend?
      • Jason: have made it very clear that we need to be more in the loop in advance in the future
        • two separate sets of problems, in UoD and in CTIR
    • Josh: the more distant milestones are current estimates for grant-writing but may be revised once they get closer

Done 15:20 UK

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