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You are here: Home Community Minutes Conference Calls 2005 2005-01-11 Baltimore, Dundee, Madison

2005-01-11 Baltimore, Dundee, Madison


CatGs, Cats, and Annotations
Annotations. Problem with the timestamp and username. User and Timestamp elements in Annotation ST redundant, not necessary.
Doug & Jeff added a "Valid" flag for annotation, but "false" flags are being shown in web interface, but need to decide on how to deal with legacy of annotations.
Action: Remove these columns.
CatGroups & Categories.
Orphan'd categories fixed by Josiah last night. Will not constrain Category to a CatGroup for the moment. Action: Josiah will log the bug on Bugzilla.

Version. OME2.4 it is.
General Clarifications on non-In Progress Items Harry, Jean-Marie, Andrea, Curtis, Kevin. need to have a separate Java discussion, and definitely call and possiblly meet.
Refactored Browser Due end of Jan 2005. Is using an Eclipse Tree view, but this might not be a permanent solution-- gets the work done for now
Checking ACL API No hidden object, should be OK.
Cats, CatGroups in Shoola Support for global, all in.
Revised Builld System for Shoola System that pulls CVS version, builds, runs auto-test, and then builds locally. Can target a specific version. Includes email notification. Ilya: what about easier change of config for Shoola. Action: Ilya will add to Bugzilla.
Annotation, Category/CatG's on Server As above, remove Experimenter and Timestamp from appropriate ST's. Will need DB upgrade scripts. Will require ome-java refresh as well. Ilya & Chris need to make a guide for where to look for any ST change.
Forward Port of Existing Annotations Dealt with above.
Code Cleanup For first group for now, second group goes to attic. Josiah will do, along with Chris.
Analysis on Server MatLab handler will continue to be optional. DAE will continue to be default. Analysis Chain Execution
Chain Builder Will go in as work as Progress, still buggy. Chris will add to Bugzilla. Will add to release notes.
Plan for Release Wait for dates from Andrea, then branch 2.4.0. No commits unless absolutely necessary.

Who comes? Core Group, for now, also Zach annd possibly Dresden. Look to schedule another more open meeting, summer or fall(??), and to include commercial partners, larger community.
Dates Baltimore, March 18-20. Ilya, Jason, and Kevin will draft schedule.

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