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views-feedback ERROR

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views-feedback ERROR

Postby bhcho » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:36 pm


We added our own apps into the OMERO.web 4.2.1.
And when I look into OMEROWeb.log file, I see the following errors are occurring irreglularly.

we created an /examples/ folder under the /OMERO_HOME/lib/python/omeroweb/
Under that 'examples' folder, we have another urls.py and views.py, so we can connect to http://localhost/examples/app01/arg33

is that a possible problem?

actually, we made that folder for just a test and we are no longer use it.
most of our apps are under /webclient/ folder as the default apps


Mon, 20 Jun 2011 08:57:16 views-feedback ERROR handler404: Page not found
Mon, 20 Jun 2011 08:57:16 views-feedback ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 83, in get_response

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/urlresolvers.py", line 233, in resolve
raise Resolver404, {'tried': tried, 'path': new_path}

Resolver404: {'path': u'intl/zh-CN/', 'tried': ['^favicon\\.ico$', '^appmedia/webgateway/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/webmobile/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/omeroweb/(?P<path>.*)$', '(?i)^webadmin/', '(?i)^webclient/', '(?i)^feedback/', '(?i)^webgateway/', '(?i)^examples/', '(?i)^webemdb/', '(?i)^webmobile/']}

Mon, 20 Jun 2011 09:28:36 views-feedback ERROR handler404: Page not found
Mon, 20 Jun 2011 09:28:36 views-feedback ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 83, in get_response

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/urlresolvers.py", line 233, in resolve
raise Resolver404, {'tried': tried, 'path': new_path}

Resolver404: {'path': u'proxyheader.php', 'tried': ['^favicon\\.ico$', '^appmedia/webgateway/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/webmobile/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/omeroweb/(?P<path>.*)$', '(?i)^webadmin/', '(?i)^webclient/', '(?i)^feedback/', '(?i)^webgateway/', '(?i)^examples/', '(?i)^webemdb/', '(?i)^webmobile/']}

Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:08:04 views-feedback ERROR handler404: Page not found
Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:08:04 views-feedback ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 83, in get_response

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/urlresolvers.py", line 233, in resolve
raise Resolver404, {'tried': tried, 'path': new_path}

Resolver404: {'path': u'proxyheader.php', 'tried': ['^favicon\\.ico$', '^appmedia/webgateway/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/webmobile/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/omeroweb/(?P<path>.*)$', '(?i)^webadmin/', '(?i)^webclient/', '(?i)^feedback/', '(?i)^webgateway/', '(?i)^examples/', '(?i)^webemdb/', '(?i)^webmobile/']}

Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:25:12 views-feedback ERROR handler404: Page not found
Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:25:12 views-feedback ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 83, in get_response

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/urlresolvers.py", line 233, in resolve
raise Resolver404, {'tried': tried, 'path': new_path}

Resolver404: {'path': u'', 'tried': ['^favicon\\.ico$', '^appmedia/webgateway/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/webmobile/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/omeroweb/(?P<path>.*)$', '(?i)^webadmin/', '(?i)^webclient/', '(?i)^feedback/', '(?i)^webgateway/', '(?i)^examples/', '(?i)^webemdb/', '(?i)^webmobile/']}

Mon, 20 Jun 2011 17:27:02 views-feedback ERROR handler404: Page not found
Mon, 20 Jun 2011 17:27:02 views-feedback ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 83, in get_response

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/urlresolvers.py", line 233, in resolve
raise Resolver404, {'tried': tried, 'path': new_path}

Resolver404: {'path': u'proxyheader.php', 'tried': ['^favicon\\.ico$', '^appmedia/webgateway/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/webmoile/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/omeroweb/(?P<path>.*)$', '(?i)^webadmin/', '(?i)^webclient/', '(?i)^feedback/', '(?i)^webgateway/', '(?i)^examples/', '(?i)^webemdb/', '(?i)^webmobile/']}
Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:11:10 views-feedback ERROR handler404: Page not found
Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:11:10 views-feedback ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/handlers/base.py", line 83, in get_response

File "/OMERO_HOME/lib/python/django/core/urlresolvers.py", line 233, in resolve
raise Resolver404, {'tried': tried, 'path': new_path}

Resolver404: {'path': u'', 'tried': ['^favicon\\.ico$', '^appmedia/webgateway/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/webmobile/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/omeroweb/(?P<path>.*)$', '(?i)^webadmin/', '(?i)^webclient/', '(?i)^feedback/', '(?i)^webgateway/', '(?i)^examples/', '(?i)^webemdb/', '(?i)^webmobile/']}
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Re: views-feedback ERROR

Postby jmoore » Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:55 am

Hi BK,

I took the time to download your tarball (omeropslid-v0.1.tgz). The packaging looks very well done, but unfortunately having an installer like this as opposed to a git branch makes comparisons and moving forward much more difficult. I've started the task of applying your changes to the 4.2 branch:


But things have not copied completely cleanly. First, the permissions on the omeroweb files were different, meaning I had to do some bash scripting. Secondly, there were some "leftover" files (see below). Do you have any idea where they came from? (They look to be from the 4.3 branch).

Code: Select all
$ git status
# On branch dev_4_2_pslid
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#   ../../../../components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/forms/
#   ../../../../components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/media/webgateway/
#   ../../../../components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/media/webmobile/
#   ../../../../components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/test.out
#   ../../../../components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webtest/templates/examples/

If you could look through the branch on git and tell us if it looks reasonable, then we should be able to better evaluate what's going on.

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Re: views-feedback ERROR

Postby icaoberg » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:04 pm

ill work on it. regarding omeroweb, it is a shallow copy of that folder from our version which is 4.2.1 + every edit we made on omeroweb. we basically created one django app (examples) for testing purposes and changed omeroweb.

if you believe git is the way to go, then we'll do it that way. i think at some point this is one of the question we were going to ask, the optimal way of distributing the changes.

regarding permissions, we did have some issues at the beginning. i think your issue may rely on the fact that i think omero was not the user used to create the installer.

we haven't tested our package on omero 4.2.2
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Re: views-feedback ERROR

Postby jmoore » Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:56 am

icaoberg wrote: regarding omeroweb, it is a shallow copy of that folder from our version which is 4.2.1 + every edit we made on omeroweb. we basically created one django app (examples) for testing purposes and changed omeroweb.

Ok. Did you intend to have any changes in those directories I mentioned? Or could it just be an issue of how things go zipped up?

if you believe git is the way to go, then we'll do it that way. i think at some point this is one of the question we were going to ask, the optimal way of distributing the changes.

Certainly for the changes to the web framework itself, it will be optimal to have a patch or a git branch which we can compare visually.

regarding permissions, we did have some issues at the beginning. i think your issue may rely on the fact that i think omero was not the user used to create the installer.

I don't think so. My issue was just that the values had a different permission mode (755 rather than 644). Since git tracks the mode that counted as a modification.

we haven't tested our package on omero 4.2.2

Understood. I applied against the v.4.2.1-omero tag:
Code: Select all

/tmp/421 $ git show-branch v.4.2.1-omero HEAD
! [v.4.2.1-omero] Tagging 4.2.1 for release.
! [HEAD] omeroweb added templates: classification, custom, relevance
+ [HEAD] omeroweb added templates: classification, custom, relevance
+ [HEAD^] omeroweb added files
+ [HEAD~2] omeroweb modifications
++ [v.4.2.1-omero] Tagging 4.2.1 for release.

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Re: views-feedback ERROR

Postby wmoore » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:32 am

Any idea where "proxyheader.php" is coming from?
You're basically getting 404 errors since Django can't find various urls.
Same for "intl/zh-CN"
There's even a '' (empty string)

If you open the url for proxyheader.php in your browser you should see the same error.

E.g. If I go to http://localhost:4080/proxyheader.php or http://localhost:4080/ then I get the same errors as you:
Code: Select all
Resolver404: {'path': u'proxyheader.php', 'tried': ['^favicon\\.ico$', '^appmedia/webgateway/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/m/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/omeroweb/(?P<path>.*)$', '(?i)^webadmin/', '(?i)^webclient/', '(?i)^feedback/', '(?i)^webgateway/', '(?i)^webtest/', '(?i)^p/', '(?i)^m/', '(?i)^url/']}

Resolver404: {'path': u'', 'tried': ['^favicon\\.ico$', '^appmedia/webgateway/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/m/(?P<path>.*)$', '^appmedia/omeroweb/(?P<path>.*)$', '(?i)^webadmin/', '(?i)^webclient/', '(?i)^feedback/', '(?i)^webgateway/', '(?i)^webtest/', '(?i)^p/', '(?i)^m/', '(?i)^url/']}

Finding "proxyheader.php" is coming from shouldn't be too hard to grep for, but you might need to look a bit harder to find where you're trying to access the root path?


PS. Enjoyed your talk the other day BK - Thinking best how to use what you've done...
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