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CLOSED: Metadata in OMERO.insight

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:38 pm
by heg

Is there any way to see all the metadata that has been imported and recognized by OMERO. I am writing information from the plates and custom attributes and I would like to see if it is being imported correctly. (even though you cannot do anything with it in OMERO yet)



Re: Metadata in OMERO.insight

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:49 pm
by jmoore
In the 4.1 code base to be released in October, much if not most of that metadata is present in the user interface (Insight). In a follow-on release, we'll provide OME-XML and OME-TIFF export with the full set of metadata (the initial implementation will provide only the minimal specification OME-TIFF files for viewing in other tools).

By the way, though it is not OMERO specific, each imported image in 4.1 will also have an "original_metadata.txt" file attached to it, with a simple listing of all the metadata that was parsed out of the files. This may provide what you are looking for.

Regards, ~J.

Re: Metadata in OMERO.insight

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:04 pm
by jburel
in 4.1, you will also have the ability to view and download a text with all metadata parsed.
This will be useful for pieces of information that the OME data model does not support, assuming we were able to extract them from the file.
