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OME Task Management

OME Task Management

Many OME tasks, such as importing images or executing analysis chains, are expected to run for a long-time in the background (i.e. forked off the UI). Inspired by the popular UNIX tool top, ome top allows OME users to view OME's running tasks.

ome top
   /=======\     Tasks: 2 Total, 1 in progress, 1 finished, 0 aborted 
   |===OME===|    OME 2.3.0 was installed on Fri Jul 30 14:59:37 2004
   \=======/                 Tue Aug  3 10:55:19 2004
   TASK           STATUS                MESSAGE              ER  STEP#   PID
   Importing images    FINISHED     Imported 2 images from 2 files  N  5/5    16558
   Importing images    IN PROGRESS  Importing                       N  3/4    19074
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