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As implied by the acronym, XML-RPC is an xml-based mechanism for supporting remote procedure calls. In this model, an client program bundles up a procedure call and a set of arguments in an XML document, and sends the document off to an XML server. The XML server executes the procedure call and bundles the return values in a second blob of XML, which is returned to the client for processing.

HTTP is used for XML-RPC communication, but at a level that will generally be invisible to OME developers.

XML-RPC Server

XML-RPC requests are handled by a daemon executing on the OME server. The script (as found in ./src/perl2/OME/Remote) provides a basic instance of such a server. This program can be invoked by typing perl -t XMLRPC. The default port is 8002, alternatives can be specified with the -p <port number> flag. Finally, the -d option keeps the server from forking and prints debug output on the console.

A note on ports: some operating systems (Mac OS X in particular) hold ports for several minutes after programs terminate. If you need to kill an instance of the server, it's often best to start the next instance with a fresh port. is a simple wrapper which uses the XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP::Daemon class to dispatch calls to a OME::Remote::Dispatcher. This class handles the calls from the XML-RPC clients. Specifically, the dispatcher finds the appropriate classes for a given procedure call, verifies the inputs, executes the method, and packages the results appropriately.

OME::Remote::Dispatcher relies upon OME::Remote::Prototypes to define the methods that can be accessed via XML-RPC. The file contains a number of calls to addPrototype. Each of these calls specifies a class, a method, and formats for input and output. Only those methods that are mentioned in the prototype file can be executed via XML-RPC calls.

XML-RPC Client

OME currently contains an example XML-RPC client. This client, and the supporting libraries that it uses, are all written in Java. The client is not very interesting in itself — it simply provides a GUI browser for semantic types, semantic elements, and modules — but it provides a model of how to write an XML-RPC-based OME client.

The XML-RPC client is built on the org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpc, org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient, and org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientLite packages, available from Apache. These packages provide the low-level handling of XML-RPC.

As currently distributed, the JAR files containing the required libraries can be found in the src/java/lib directory under CVS. However, the appropriate class paths must be manually established — speak to the OME developers for help.

The Alligator application — org.openmicroscopy.alligator.Alligator — is the client GUI application. The code in Alligator provides an overview of what is needed to communicate with OME via XML-RPC. The support libraries found in org.openmicroscopy and org.openmicroscopy.remote manage the OME objects and related functionality. These packages have somewhat parallel structure: org.openmicroscopy defines interfaces that are implemented by classes in org.openmicroscopy.remote. This cleanly allows for the possibility of non-remote implemenations of these interfaces. All of the database objects in the remote package are subclasses of the RemoteOMEObject class, which is a subclass of RemoteObject. Together, these base classes provide support for OME objects that are derived from a remote database.

The first interaction with OME can be seen in the Alligator login code (in, which creates a RemoteBindings object and uses it to login to the OME Server, thus creating a session and a factory. This is done using the URL specified in the login dialog, which should correspond to an invocation of the StandaloneServer. To execute a login, the RemoteBindings object does creates an XmlRpcCaller, which wraps an XmlRpcClientLite (from the Apache XML libraries) object and handles the execution of XML-RPC calls.

Note that the login procedure in Alligator does not take advantage of the stored sessions as implemented in the Perl code. There are two reasons for this: the Dispatcher does not expose a method for creating sessions based on a stored session cookie, and the client code does not have the libraries for handling this form of login (the Java analogs of the Perl Apache::Session packages).

After login, the controller object calls the database to populate GUI widgets with the semantic types and modules found in the database. The remainder of this section will focus on the semantic types — the modules are similar.

The list of semantic types is udpated by setting the table model for a JTable to contain a list of objects as returned by the XML-RPC server. This list is retrieved by caling SemanticTypeTableModel.update(factory) with the factory for the current session. Note that this code is wrapped in external threads so as to avoid interference with the GUI-building thread.

The update method is used to find all of the SemanticTypes in the factory (factory.findObjects("OME::SemanticType",null)). To find these objects, the factory sends a findObjects message to the XmlRpcCaller, with a set of criteria indicating that objects of type OME::SemanticType are desired. The result of this call is a list of objects, which are instantiated as SemanticTypes, using the mapping in the RemoteObject static Hash classes. Thus, as we see in, all objects of type OME::SemanticType are instantiated as RemoteSemanticType objects. The names of these semantic type objects are then used to populate the list of remote types (see getValueAt() in and getValueAtFromList() in

When one of the items in the table is selected (double clicked), the controller displays the details of this semantic type and its elements in a new frame (SematicTypeFrame). The elements are retrieved by calling getElements() on the remote semantic type. This procedure leads to another XML-RPC call, which calls for semantic_elements to be executed as the method against the selected semantic type. As before, the result is a list of objects, which are then intantiated as Elements (defined in RemoteSemanticType).

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